Friday, August 31, 2012

I Bow Down To Thee

So with the long weekend I thought I would try my hand at making some clip art. I thought how hard could it be? You just draw an image, scan it to your computer, and voila. Instant amazing clip art that would wow the crowd. Wrong. Not so much at all. After drawing, scanning, copying, pasting into Keynote, instant alpha-ing, exporting as a PPT file, saving the image as a PNG, downloading gimp, adding some color, and then resaving, I came up with this.
All this crazy effort for a measly little fish. And honestly, it still looks hand drawn and not very crisp like the amazing clip art of those graphics goddesses. I realized I wasn't very impressed with my clip art and the amount of trouble it takes to make one image totally isn't worth it for me. I don't know how those professionals do it. Now I know why The 3am Teacher is The 3am teacher. It's really a wonder she gets any sleep at all making all those amazing graphics.

So I just wanted to dedicate this post to all the amazing graphics makers out there that slave over their designs to allow us to make the products we do. We truly have the easy part. I will never take your clip art for granted again. You will always get a big shout out on my products for making the clip art. And when I think $5 is a lot for some clip art, I will never question that price again. It should be more like $500. You are the unsung heroes of blogland and I bow down to thee.


  1. I LOVE you for trying & I think your fish is totally cute!! Scanning in an image will always give you the "hand-drawn" look, not matter what program you use.

    I draw all of my images into Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, either by hand or by manipulating shapes and lines. I have a digital drawing tablet and pen that I use - and it definitely took me a while to get used to drawing with my hand while looking at a screen...I have actually become quite good at it...hehehe

    I have occasionally scanned in my own drawings, but this method takes me too long. It feels like I draw it too many times. I have had to do this process for many of my Greek graphics because I wanted a guide for sizing on the human characters. I will sketch (with high quality graphite pencils), trace my sketch using PRISMACOLOR Illustration pens (pretty pricey), erase the pencil lines, scan the image, place the image into my Program and them using my pen and shape tools, I can manipulate the lines and shapes to match my image. My sketches are always "rough" and without much detail. When I finish with the outline of an image, I end up with a clean Vector file (an image that is mathematically calculated so that any amount of re-sizing will not negatively affect the image resolution and quality). Then, I add many layers of colors, styles and details to finally see my finished image.

    I ALWAYS complete a test print with high and low resolution, so I know that the image quality is good for printing. I also test the image in a browser to look for any imperfections or lines I forgot to get rid of. Sometimes, adding the colors and details will take me longer than drawing the outline.

    I am getting tired just explaining the process...hahaha! It definitely takes time, but my skills continue to improve daily. I have to stay on top of new technology and keep my computers and drawing programs up to date with the new (which can sometimes get pricey).

    For your first clip art image & your determination to give this a try... I bow down right back at you!! Most give up after they find out that you can't just scan in a drawing and end up with a clip art image...hahaha

    Thank you for the lovely complements & contact me if you ever want to get serious to learn how to create clip art. You definitely have the skill to draw...all you need now are the digital resources and a friend to help you figure out how to use them (-;

    The 3AM Teacher
    Visit My Blog
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    1. Thanks so much for explaining this to me Michelle. I have always been so intrigued with the process but couldn't figure out how you clip art makers did it. Google couldn't even answer that question for me. To have you give me those high compliments means so much. You are the best! I will definitely be contacting you to learn more. And as if I haven't said it enough, thank you for all that you do and for following me!

  2. Hahaha! Your fish is so cute! :) It is definitely a labor of love and takes a lot of time. Even though I make a lot of my own, I still buy a ton of other sets! I can't draw people AT ALL. Funny post. I'm adding you to my 'blogs' page.

    The School Supply Addict

    1. Thanks so much for the compliments! Thanks for adding me to your list. I added a blog button now so you can use that too!

  3. Ash, what grade do you teach? Couldn't find it on here. :)

    The School Supply Addict

    1. I actually don't teach yet. I am going to school for early childhood education to become a teacher and I am just getting a head start on the game. =) So I guess you can just add me to your miscellaneous list.

  4. I am impressed with your fish. It was much more difficult that I realized, too! I'd also like to invite you to my new linky called "Fun Friday". It is all about the fun things we do in our classrooms. I'd love for you to stop by and link up (even if it is not on Friday).

    Teaching Fourth

    1. Thanks so much! I will definitely go check that out. =)

  5. I LOVE your fish and love that it looks a bit hand-made. I think those ones have the most character. Don't give up:)) I'm thinking of buying a drawing tablet, though, like Michelle was describing. Wouldn't THAT be fun?

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

    PS I'm your newest follower. Michelle recommended you ... love your blog name!

  6. Thanks for following! I have been researching a tablet too. That would be so much fun to draw with! I love your blog designs! You are so talented!

  7. As someone who can't draw worth a lick...I am always amazed by the people who do clipart!! Your fish is cute though. :)


    1. Haha thanks! I know they always impress me at how insanely talented they are! I can't believe the things they come up with!

  8. Great post!! I have dabbled in this myself and was mystified by the process!! So much time to make the images. I am definitely happy to purchase the wonderful clipart out there. I do create simple background pages though, one of my favorite hobbies;)

    Surfin' Through Second
