Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lions and Tigers and Bears...Oh My!

Sometimes I feel like I am in The Wizard of Oz when I think of how wonderful this blogland has been to me. I have reached double digits in followers. Shout out to all my lovely followers! You are the best! I have won some fantastic giveaways. And I have gained invaluable knowledge as a future teacher. I hope I never have to wake up from this dream.

Today I am doing a three part post.
1. A back to school books linky.
2. Letting you know of an amazing giveaway.
3. Asking for some suggestions about what to make for you all next.

This linky hosted by Blog Hoppin' is another one of my favorites because it has to do with books! I can never get enough book suggestions!

1. The Kissing Hand - This is the best book to make everyone more comfortable knowing their Mom is always with them.

2. If You Take A Mouse To School - This is a very cute book and can be used to have the class write their own book about if you take a mouse to school.

3. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom - I love to follow this book up with an activity where the children glue the letters of their names on the palm tree and hang it up for display.

4. David Goes To School - I did an author study on David Shannon and I just love his books. They are so funny. This is a great book to teach what not to do at school and write class rules from.

5. Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes - This is a true crowd pleaser! The kids love this book. It is a fabulous way to teach colors and about not sweating the small stuff because "it's all good!"

 Next up! This great giveaway by Sara at Smiling in Second Grade.

This is a follow-up giveaway to her personal laminator giveaway. This time she is giving away a Duo Trimmer. It is half a paper cutter and half a paper trimmer. It works wonders from the pictures! Head HERE to enter her fabulous giveaway!

So I am thinking of having a weekly freebie for you all. Gotta come up with a fancy name for it because I'm just like that. I have to wait and see how things go once I get my workload underway but that is my plan. For you, I want to take suggestions so I know my products are actually useful in the classroom. If you have any suggestions as to what I should make let me know by leaving a comment or sending me an e-mail. I have a more limited supply of clip art than most of you but I am up for the challenge. I can't wait to get this blog rolling! Thanks for hanging on with me and enjoy the ride!

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