Saturday, August 25, 2012

New Blog Look...And Surprises to Come!

So I have a slight problem. It is called have to be unique syndrome. I was clicking through some blogs last night...ok who am I kidding I was totally blog stalking like I have nothing better to do with my life. So I stumbled upon another blog that had the same premade template as me. Now what would a rational person do? Say ok it was free, the design blog had a lot of followers, it was very cute, obviously other people have this layout. What do I do? Spend the entire day freaking out looking for another premade layout that no one had. Obviously this is virtually impossible to do since I'm sure there isn't one premade template out there that isn't shared by another blogger. Well I decided that I had to take down this template and get a new one. After searching all day and having many problems with coding, designs and much more, I just decided to customize a blogger template. I am definitely not 100% satisfied with it but for now it will do. Since I am not yet a teacher I want to wait to get a fancy schmancy custom blog layout. Those blogger have serious talent! My favorite sites are Honey Bunch Blog Design and Dreamlike Magic. Don't you guys just love their work?

On another note, I am really excited to try my hand at some custom clip art and some teacher freebies. I have been stalking blogs all summer and am well over 600 freebies collected. I figured since these teachers have been helping me out all summer, I seriously need to give back. So be sure to keep an eye out for these in the near future!


  1. Thanks for stopping by I am now following you!

    First Grade @ Storybook Cafe

  2. Thanks so much for following! I love your blog design so much!

  3. I love the name of your blog-very creative!:) I had a blog makeover this summer and it was completely worth it-I was really happy with the way it turned out.

