Sunday, September 23, 2012

Halloween Picture Book Linky Party

So I am not going to lie. Holiday picture books are just my favorite things ever! Every holiday season I always scour the shelves at Barnes and Noble to find the newest holiday themed books. I read them cover to cover along with all the little children and their parents. It brings back the good memories of reading books in the bookstore as a child. After reading the book, I decide if it is something that I am interested in or if it isn't worthy of being on my holiday book shelf. Space is very limited you know. It is practically overflowing. Then, I come back right after the holiday when the books are marked down 50% off and I buy all the good ones. I have never had a problem with the books being sold out when I go back. However, now that everyone knows my secret, they probably will be gone.

Halloween books are my second favorite holiday themed books behind Christmas ones. I am just in love with all Christmas books. They are so magical and the pictures are always so magnificent. But Halloween books take a close second. They are so spooky and whimsical. I just love seeing the different illustrations. So when I saw that Chrissy over at First Grade Found Me was doing a Halloween linky party I knew I couldn't wait. Be warned: There are a lot of them! But who are we kidding, we teachers love books. I should make a some e card. I hate books said no teacher ever.

Without further ado, here are my favorite Halloween picture books.

I have almost every story in this collection. I just love them! It always brings me back to being a kid with the anticipation of the night before a holiday.

I just adore Spookley. This is such an adorable story about a square pumpkin who is different from everyone else but realizes that he is very special and saves the day. It is a great story about self acceptance and tolerance.

This is a fun story with a lot of repetition and rhyming. What young child wouldn't be enthralled to listen to a story that combines rhyming with cute animals!

I love this book! I remember reading it as a child. It was so fun to listen to. The children are always so amazed by how big the pumpkin is. I follow it up with looking at real life giant pumpkins which always impresses the children even more!

This book is so much fun to read. The kiddos really get into it and love to say the words right along with me. It is fun to connect it to a writing assignment "I am not afraid of anything... except:" Some of the fears the children have are priceless.

This is a very simple book. I am not going to lie about that. However, the children love it. It is so simple that they can follow along almost immediately. And it doesn't hurt that there is an adorable finger play based off of it. I love finger plays! It also has great connections to math which is a huge plus!

I love any There Was an Old Lady book. Now that they have one for every season I am all set! How can you refuse! The little ones just love repeating along with me and guessing what comes next.

We love Splat! He is so funny and his facial expressions are so vivid. It is the perfect series to go along with teaching emotions. Series are a huge hit with me and the kids. Once you read a book you get hooked on a character and want to read more and more about him or her. Splat is perfect for that. So combine Splat with Halloween and you have a winning combination.

This is just another great book that connects to so many. It is very funny but has a great message that is perfect for the classroom. Everyone will love it!

Here it is. I have a confession. I am obsessed with Fancy Nancy. I want to be her in my next life. She is just so fabulous! I love all her stories! I think what makes me love her the most is that she uses fancy words. I am a firm believer that young children can use sophisticated words. Combine Fancy Nancy with Halloween and it is just a winning combination in my eyes.

So I hope I didn't overwhelm you with all those Halloween books. It was only 10 which isn't too bad. Hopefully you found some new Halloween books you can use! Can't wait to see all the other books!

Next month we are going to link up for Thanksgiving books and I am so excited already! It is going to be so much fun!


  1. Thanks for linking up to the party, Ash. I love your idea with The Little Old Lady of having the kids write about what they're afraid of. I'm definitely doing that! I'd forgotten that I have a Halloween Splat the Cat. I can't wait to read it again! Room on the Broom looks adorable. I love reading rhyming books aloud. Shopping for picture books is one of my favorite things too!
    First Grade Found Me

    1. Thanks for hosting the party! It's my favorite kind! I can't wait for next month! I could just spend hours shopping for picture books! My favorite place to go is to hit up yard sales. I tend to buy books by the hundred there haha.

  2. I have never seen the book Room on the Broom. Where did you find it? I'm a new follower!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

    1. I actually found it online a while back when I was searching for Halloween books and then I found the actual book at a yard sale. However you can buy it online on Amazon, Barnes and Noble or Walmart. Amazon has a little preview that you can read if you like. Thanks for following!

  3. These are awesome recommendations! I think you're the 3rd person who's recommended Spookley, so I'm off to Amazon to order! Fancy Nancy and Splat are on the list as well!

    Angela :)
    Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!

    1. Yes! Spookley is such an adorable story! You have to get it! I actually purchased it last year through Scholastic when they had a big sale. Hope you enjoy!

  4. Hi Ash,
    Thanks for stopping my by blog. I am your newest follower. Thanks for sharing your secret to purchasing all of the holiday books! I'll have to take a trip to Barnes & Noble, right after Halloween:)


    Kelly Teach

    1. Thanks for following! You should definitely take a trip to Barnes and Noble. The Christmas sales are usually a big one. They will sometimes even go down to 75% off they have so many extras!

  5. Love the books! I am your newest follower--I would love to have you come and visit my blog!

    1. Thanks for following! I will definitely stop by and check out your blog! =)

  6. I love your selections! Last year we read Go Away, Big Green Monster! over and over and OVER again! Great book for talking about some of the fears the children have. Fantastic "follow-up" art as well.

    1. Confession: I have never read Go Away Big Green Monster. I really need to get a copy. I see it all over the internet!
