Monday, October 8, 2012

Batty For Math {Freebie} Manic Monday

It's that joyous time again! Manic Monday at Classroom Freebies! Boy do I love a good Manic Monday where I can snag a bunch of wonderful freebies! I am here to share a freebie with you today.

Since it is October, everyone is into Halloween/Spooky/Fall themes. I noticed a lot of Bats flying around the blogosphere lately so I decided to make a batty for math freebie.

(Click the picture to download)

This freebie has a page for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. If you need a different math concept, or have a specific set of math facts that you would like used, I would be happy to make a custom set for you! Just send me an e-mail or comment below!

I am getting really close to 100 followers now! While I know it can't be a requirement on Manic Monday, I would love out of the goodness of your hearts if you would follow my blog. I give out a ton of freebies which I'm sure everyone loves!

And if you want to help out with my 100 follower celebration just shoot me an e-mail or comment below.  I already have 2 lovely ladies willing to help me out. I want this to be very special because this blog has given so much to me, I want to give back to you all. Thanks!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm your newest follower and I'd love to be part of your giveaway!

    Success in Second Grade

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Brandi! I will send you an e-mail!

  2. What a great freebie! This will be a fun thing to use with those kiddos that need extra practice with their math facts. I'm your newest follower to help you get to 100! I linked up a freebie too if you want to go check it out. :)

    Cathy :)
    C is for Cookies, Cakes, Children, Classroom, and Crafts

    1. Thanks so much for helping me to reach 100 followers! I love your blog name! I will be sure to check it out!

  3. Thanks for the freebie and for stopping by my blog today. I started Bats today!
    I wish I could help you reach 100 today, but I am already a follower!

    1. Well thank you so much for being a follower! I couldn't reach 100 without you. =)

  4. Thanks for the cute bat worksheet! You're blog is super cute! I am your newest follower (101 maybe??)and I found your blog through Classroom Freebies Manic Monday.

    Miss Allison's Class

    1. I got really excited when I saw your comment. It says that you are my 99th follower but thanks so much for following!

  5. I am your newest follower! I really like the bat math...can't wait to use it!!

    Spotted Around the School
