Friday, October 5, 2012

Favorite Etsy Clip Art Shops

Confession: I am kind of obsessed with clip art.
There are so many amazingly talented artists out there.
I can't help but want have need to buy their products.
No teaching resource is complete without some cute clip art.
It's part of the Ten Commandments of creating Teaching Products.
As a result, I have to constantly stock up on great clip art.

Here are some of my newly discovered and favorite Etsy shops:
1. Kelly Medina Studios
2. Babystar Design
3. Clementine Digitals
4. Pixel Paper Prints
5. PeachPoPsClipArt
6. Pink Pueblo

Click on each shop name to visit.
I promise you won't be disappointed!
What I can't promise is that your wallet won't be empty after.
But don't say I didn't warn you!


  1. I feel the same way about digital clip art! I can't wait to check these shops out!
    Owl Things First!

  2. Check out
