Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tell Me Something Good Linky Party

♪ ♫ Tell me something good ♫ ♪
Great song that inspires a great linky party!
I am linking up with Jennifer at Rowdy In First Grade for her Tell Me Something good Linky Party.
Something Good At School: I just learned that I will be going into Kindergarten on Halloween to participate in their fun activities. It's in a district where they actually can go full out and celebrate so I'm very excited! I will be sure to let you know of any fun activities I see!

Something Good At Home: This isn't really something to do with home but last week I was very upset to find out that X Factor was all messed up from the World Series. Tonight they are replaying that episode. I am very excited to watch! Those young teens are so talented! And Pretty Little Liars was on tonight! Oh snap that show was intense! I love it! But I can't wait until January for the season premiere. Why must they taunt me like this! I cannot take it! Do any of you watch it? Please tell me you do! I need to vent! 

Go link up! I love to hear all the good news in life when negativity is all that seems to surround! 

Come back tomorrow for my super special Weekly Wednesday freebie! I have a great one planned for you all!


  1. Love your something good from home! I HATE IT when my tv shows get messed with!
    Rowdy in First Grade

    1. Now I'm so nervous that this hurricane is going to mess everything up!

  2. Well, I don't watch Pretty Little Liars but my daughter does and she sure does get worked up about it. Hope January comes quick for you! Sara
