Friday, November 2, 2012

November Currently

Well so much for posting just once today. Since I didn't post all week I can make up for it today right? How can I pass up an opportunity to participate in Farley's Currently for November. That thing fills up fast! If I wait another day I will be number 100! Here's my currently for this month!

Listening: Everybody Loves Raymond. What can I say. That was the ultimate hilarious cast. I just love this show. Laughter is the best medicine and this show is just what the doctor ordered!

Loving: Halleluiah! Power has been restored! It's the little things in life! Hoping everyone still without power gets it restored soon! I know I have a lot of catching up to do! Especially in all the TV shows that didn't get DVR'd this week!

Thinking: I highlight an article for research and instead of highlighting a few quotes here and there I literally highlight entire paragraphs which equals about 90% of the text on the page. I need serious help!

Wanting: Enough said! It's going to be a jam-packed month up til Thanksgiving and I can't wait until it arrives. Once Thanksgiving is over it's full on Christmas which is my absolute favorite time of year. Last year it didn't seem like Christmas even happened so I'm for sure going full out this year!

Needing: I WILL get a personal laminator this year! I'm sick of having to have things prepared a week in advance to get laminated only to find the people rip the product and you have to start over. Other options: drive an hour to Lakeshore for the cheap price or pay $3 a foot right on site. Neither are good with me. Personal laminator it is! 

Music: I am a total Swifty. Taylor's new album has been on repeat any time I am in the car. My favorite is a toss up between "22" and her duet with Ed Sheeran "Everything Has Changed".

Hurry on over and link up! The party is a rockin'


  1. Just came across your blog from the "Currently" linky party! You've got some cute stuff going on over here! I love the name of your blog!

    The Classroom Game Nook

    1. Thanks so much! These currently parties are so great!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am definitely looking forward to Thanksgiving break and some Black Friday shopping!I have an amazing laminator that I got for my birthday this year. I love it so much and the quality of the lamination is the best I've seen! Here is the link if you'd like to check it out -

    1. Thanks so much for the link! I am definitely going to have to get one!

  3. I too would LOVE LOVE LOVE a laminator. I am a Black Friday FANATIC! I go every year even if I don't have anything to buy. I'm so happy your power is restored. It's the worst without power. I'm your newest follower!
    The Hive

    1. I go to regardless of if I buy anything. One year I just randomly bought a $5 waffle maker and a $19 printer, none of which I intended to get. It's a great people watching time too!

  4. I love my Scotch Thermal laminator! They are usually under $30 at Target and WalMart, but I would definitely keep an eye out on Amazon during Black Friday-Cyber Monday! :)

    1. Oh I forgot about Amazon's Black Friday-Cyber Monday deals! I will definitely have to look out for that! Thanks!

  5. Oh I would love my own personal laminator! Being a student teacher I am moving my resources around so much that even when I am careful they still get worn so quick!

    Miss L
    Miss L’s Whole Brain Teaching

    1. That's what I'm gearing up for! Student teaching in the spring and next fall! I need to get prepared!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my little blog. I love Taylor Swift's music and my little girl loves to dance when her songs come on. I laughed out loud when I read about OCH - I think I have it, too :)
    Stories by Storie

    1. Oh yes OCH is very dangerous! Be careful! I bet your little girl is absolutely precious dancing to Taylor!

  7. Yes yes you must get a laminator!! You can find them cheap at places like Walmart and it will last you a long time :) so sorry to hear you lost power and water for that long, but I am so glad you got it back!!

    Laura :)

    1. Thanks so much! I am definitely going to keep an eye out!

  8. I just love Taylor Swift's new album! Being a west coast girl, it's so crazy to see the footage of Hurricane Sandy on the news. I'm glad you're safe and that your power is back on.

    :) Jayme
    Trendy in Third

    1. Thanks! I was fortunate to not have any major damage. It just reminds you that nature is such a powerful force.

  9. I love Raymond too!! It's such a funny show...great way to relax!
    Glad your power is back too! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate the visit!

    Spotted Around the School

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a relaxing weekend!

  10. I have a Scotch laminator and I love it. I have used it soo soo much for the past six years I've been teaching. I hope you find a great deal! Nice to meet you!

    Keep Calm and Apple On

  11. I'm glad you have power again! We have been seeing it all on the news, very sad. I hope this next storm isn't as bad..... I have been considering getting a laminator at home, it would be so much easier to sit at home and laminate than try and find time during a busy day...... Hope you find a great deal!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  12. Taylor Swift's album has been on repeat in my car too!

    Thank goodness you have your power back. Stay safe...

  13. I have the same OCH illness!! Maybe it is just part of being an education major? For personal laminator... I got mine at WalMart for $20 but go to Costco for the laminating sheets as they are a lot cheaper there!

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  14. I hate highlighting or writing on things because it bothers me when it's not perfect anymore... but I'm pretty sure if I ever accepted highlighters into my life, I'd have the same problems as you!!! :)

    Marvelous Multiagers!

    1. I NEVER highlight because I always highlight everything and then it is pointless. I bought erasable highlighters to use at one point but they were too much as well. The only reason I am highlighting is because I have to use 30 page articles for a research paper and it's too much to not highlight quotes and have to go back and read it again without.

  15. Ash - I found you over at currently and LOVE your blog title. Oh my gosh so clever and cute! I'm your newest follower. Hope your week is great!
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

    1. Thanks so much for the follow! I am quite fond of my blog name too ;)

  16. Hi Ssh! Any advice on how to join the linky party for Farley's currently. Being new I am trying to figure it out. do I download the template as a jpg? How do I get my data into that template? Thank you. I'm suchhhhh a newbie! Glad you are doing well!

  17. I usually right click on the image and save it as a jpg. Then I set it as the background image in PPT and type my responses in text boxes. After it is finished, I save the slide as a picture (jpg) to my computer. Then I upload the image to my blog and it is all set to go. Hope that helps!

  18. Oh my goodness, I can't believe you guys went a whole week without power and water!! I'm so glad that it's back on for you! I love Taylor Swift as well! I always turn up the radio when her songs come on! :)

    Lessons with Laughter

  19. Hi Ash!
    Found you through the November Currently and just had to tell you I LOVE your blog name! I am excited to be your newest follower!

    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe
