Friday, December 28, 2012

New Blog Name + Organization Resolutions

I have decided to change up the blog name for the new year. After much deliberation, I have decided on...

The Polished Teacher

It was originally inspired because I always have my nails painted but it can mean a variety of things. I like what it represents! 

Now goes the process of changing everything over. Don't be confused if you see changes going on randomly around here. Like my e-mail for example. My new e-mail is:

You can e-mail me there from now on and I will respond. However, I still will have my old e-mail open until all the changes take place.

Now onto the linky day 2! Today's theme is organization! 2nd grade Shenanigans is hosting the linky today. I can't wait to see all these great ideas. I could sure use them! 

Here are my organization resolutions for 2013:

1. Finally finish organizing my TPT files into folders. I still have 1700 files to organize. If I did 100 a day it would be done before going back to school but I just can't motivate myself to do so. 

2. Organize clip art files. My files are all over the place! I have images in files with no credit names. I have files named names that make no sense at all. I need to sort this out so that I can be more efficient. This is why I have been stalling on making products too. Shame on me! 

3. Make an inventory of books that I have. I keep on buying books and randomly storing them all over the house wherever they fit. I need to make an inventory of all the books I have so that I can buy books I actually need and not spend money when I don't. 

4. Hopefully start using a planner. I go by memory on what work I have to get done and shockingly it isn't working out as well as I would like. I need to take that two extra seconds and write it down. I have a cute planner and everything. This shouldn't be hard! 

5. Organize my iTunes library. Lots of the songs I use in class got imported without names and just as Track 01. That does me no good whatsoever. That has got to change now! 

Looks like I have lots of organization to get around to. Good thing we have 365 days a year because 350 are probably going to be procrastinated. No wait, I didn't say that. Are we breaking the resolution already? Good thing 2013 hasn't started yet!


  1. I love the name of your blog! I think it's so cute.

    But, I also love The Polished Teacher. Very clever and could mean so many things.

    Amanda- Can you tell I'm stalking you? ;O)
    Collaboration Cuties

  2. I really dig The Polished Teacher. It sounds great, has multiple meanings and says a little about you!

    And, I am with you on organization!

    Have you seen Goodreads? It's an app and a site. You can scan your books and add them to your shelves. Quicker than hand typing each title or isbn. There could be other apps out there with what you want. I mainly use it to enter books I want to read and to see ratings on books I find at Goodwill.

  3. I organize my clipart by the person/company that created them. Makes it so much easier to give credit! Love the new name too!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  4. I like the name of your blog! Too cute! Clip art is one of the hardest things for me to organize. I have so much of it on my computer and I tend to forget who made what when I am looking for it. Still trying to come up with a plan for that! Couldn't survive without my planner. I have 3... that may be too much! lol :)

