Saturday, December 29, 2012

Professional Growth Resolutions

Today's theme of resolutions is Professional growth. Amanda from One Extra Degree is hosting the linky and giveaway.

I am actually quite excited about this theme this year! 2013 is the year when I get to student teach! I cannot wait to actually get into the classroom full time. I know it will be challenging and hard-work, but it will be an amazing experience!

Here are my goals for the year:

1. Student Teaching - I am determined to be the best I can be for the children and soak up every piece of information I can learn from my cooperating teacher. This is the moment I have been waiting for since I was a child. It will definitely be a learning experience and I know there will be constructive criticism but I am ready for it!

2. Attend conferences/workshops - I was so inspired by all the pictures from the I Teach K conference this summer. It made me want to hop on a plane to Vegas and attend with you all. I hope I get to teach Kindergarten so I can go in the future. It looks like the time of your life! I attended an early childhood education conference which was really informative but not what I had thought it would be. It was geared more towards daycare preschools. I signed up for a teaching math/science workshop through my school that I am looking forward to attending. I hope there are more opportunities to attend others in 2013.

3. Update the resume - I have got to get this resume updated so I will be all set to apply for jobs when I graduate. It is a very simple task and I have lots of help with it I just have a bad habit of procrastinating. That has got to change in 2013!

4. Make a SchoolSpring account -SchoolSpring is the place to apply for jobs now and I want to get ahead. My friend told me that it is so much easier to apply for jobs when you have everything all filled out and can just click submit when new jobs appear. I want to get that account set up so once I am eligible to apply for jobs, I can do so immediately.

5. Substitute Teaching - Once I finish student teaching, I am eligible to substitute teach. I want to use this experience to build relationships with school districts that I can hopefully work for in the future. The best part, my college schedules all night classes for the final semester so that we can substitute every single day if we want to. I plan on making this happen! I need to build all the connections that I can.

6. Certifications - I am all set with the testing to get certified in my state. I want to be certified in my surrounding states as well as any other prospective states that I might want to teach in. I need to stay up to date with the testing requirements and become certified in as many states as I can to have the best shot at finding a job. 

Hopefully by publishing these to the world I will be held accountable. You'll help me won't you? 2013 is a big year and I can't wait! Bring it on!


  1. Thanks for linking up! I wish you the best of luck with student teaching and your job search! :) Welcome to the profession, friend!

  2. Hi there! I found you through the linky party. I am impressed with all of your goals and your blog! I wish teacher blogs had been around when I was student teaching. Good luck with all of your goals-- it can be a stressful time, but it is very worth it in the end!

    EduKate and Inspire

  3. Your blog is super cute! I am your newest follower! Good luck with student teaching!

