Friday, January 18, 2013

It's Friday, Friday, Gotta Be Five For Friday

T.G.I.F! I've never been so happy for it to be Friday in my life! This was such a long week! Being sick makes days seem so much longer.

I'm linking up with Kacey from Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five For Friday.
Here's five random moments from my week.

1. This was my last week of vacation. School starts back up next week and I am very excited to see what this semester has in store! I received my textbooks in the mail this week and one book was Math Work Stations by Debbie Diller.
I am so excited to learn all about math centers this semester! Math is my favorite subject to teach and Debbie's book looks amazing! It is filled with so many great ideas and it is spiral bound so it is perfect for copying! I'm sure this is a favorite book of yours too!

2. I've been working with Christi of Design by Christi for my custom blog design this week. Getting a custom blog design might be more exciting than a child opening presents on Christmas. I am so excited to be able to unveil it to you very soon!

3. A classroom I was in this week was all about penguins! Penguins are my favorite so I was so excited to be able to see all they had going on in their room. One of the activities they had was this penguin game.
It's called Penguin Pile Up by Ravensburger. Let me just tell you this game is no joke! You evenly divide the penguins up among the players and the goal is to be the first one to stack all your penguins on a balancing iceberg that moves with every touch. What you don't realize is that this goal is virtually impossible. Every time you get about 4 penguins on the iceberg, the next move you make causes every single penguin to slip off the ice and you have to start over. I have no idea how they expect 24 penguins to be stacked up there! I played this game with the children and I couldn't even get more than three penguins stacked. It is a frustrating game for children and adults alike but it makes for some amazing fine motor practice and logic skills as to where the best place to balance a penguin next would be. Have any of you played this game before? I'd love to hear how it went for you!

4. I am not, let me repeat not a techy person I have discovered. However, I have made some techy advancements this week! I finally figured out how to post to other peoples pages as my fan page! Click HERE to check out my page. I also figured out how to add an instagram feed on my blog (see to the right) so you can see the pictures from my week. Finally, I added the Pinterest button to each of my pictures from Charity's tutorial from Classroom Freebies. I just have to get the whole Facebook blogger widget working and I will be golden! And if someone could tell me what the whole Google+ thing is all about or direct me to a tutorial I would really appreciate it. I just don't understand what the point of it is.

5. It's not technically from this week but I'm squeezing it in here to let you all know of a great deal if you don't already know. Tomorrow, Lakeshore is having a Science Fair at their stores from 11am-3pm.
They are having hands on activities and experiments for children. Maybe you can find a new idea to use in the classroom. If that doesn't make you want to stop by, maybe this will! With any in-store purchase, you get a FREE science quiz game show computer/smartboard game! It's a $20 value free! Now I know most of you will not have any problems buying something at the store but the best part is you can buy anything to get the item. Even one of the mini erasers at the register for 40 cents or a foot of lamination for 29 cents. It's such a great deal! I'm stopping over to my local Lakeshore and I hope you are too!

Hurry on over to Kacey's blog to link up and share about your week too!


  1. We used Debbie Diller's math work stations and they are great! You will love them and students think they are SO much fun :) Plus, at this point in the year, my students are working independently!!!! Woohoo :)

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  2. The sick bug seems to like everyone lately! I too am a Diller advocate!

  3. I hope you feel better soon. I am your newest follower.

    The First Grade Princess
