Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Storytelling Tuesday: The Missing Mitten Mystery

I am feeling so much better today. It's amazing to be able to breathe and smell again! It's the little things right?

Today I am showcasing The Missing Mitten Mystery by Steven Kellogg.
(Click to purchase on Amazon)

I just love this book (and the children do too)! I own multiple copies because every time I see a copy I have to snag it. It is a great book to teach skills such as predicting. It fits in perfectly with the theme this week. 

After reading, we did a couple of activities focusing on color words since the book focuses on the little girl's red mitten and we still need practice with these.

Here's the first activity: practicing writing our color words
(some littles are still struggling with letters too)

 Here is the second activity: unscrambling our color words

Here is a quick sample of what the activity looked like since my camera battery died in class. 

Each child was given a piece of paper with scrambled color words. Each row had a number on it. When we called out a number, the children were to color in the circle to signify what word they were unscrambling.

On the reverse side, the children then took the same colored crayon as they colored in the circle and drew a line through the row so if the letters got mixed up when cutting, they knew what color mitten it belonged to.  

We then had the kiddos cut apart each letter and put them in the correct order on each mitten. Once we checked to make sure they had the word spelled correctly, the letters were glued down.

The children had lots of fun with these activities and they were so simple to make!  I hope you enjoyed them!

P.S. Did you notice the new Pinterest icon when you hover over any image on my blog? With this you can easily pin any picture directly from my blog! It's fantastic! I learned how to do this from a great video by Charity at Classroom Freebies. Head on over to see how to add this trick yourself! Best news, it only takes a few clicks and you're done! Click HERE to watch the video now!

I'm linking up this post for Sunny Days in Second Grade's Show & Tell Tuesday. Hurry on over to find some more great Winter ideas for the classroom!


  1. I am so excited to check out this Pinterest Pin! Yay! I am doing Mittens next week and LOVE the Mystery book too!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  2. Thanks for linking up to show and tell this week and sharing such great ideas!
    Love that pinterest hover button!!
    Sunny Days In Second Grade
