Monday, February 11, 2013

Tell Me Something Good Linky + Kindness Week Challenge

I survived Nemo! Who would have ever thought a little fish could pack such a punch! Here's a few pics from the storm: 
1: The woods could not have looked more picturesque in the snow!
2: The cars just covered in snow!
3: Cleaning out the snow by the truckload.
4: The 2 feet of snow up to the mailboxes!
5: Snow clinging to the garage door creating a pretty pattern.

After this blizzard, it couldn't be more perfect timing for Jennifer's linky party!
I'm just gonna get right down to business! 

Something Good At Home: We finally have power back! We lost power on Thursday and got it back today. However, it's not just power we lost, we also had no water. We had a fireplace though so we had heat. We were so thankful. After Hurricane Sandy and now Blizzard Nemo, I have had enough power outages for a lifetime! Let's hope it doesn't go out any time again soon!

Something Good At School: With the blizzard, I had a five day weekend this week and next weekend it's another four day weekend. I'm completely fine with that!

In other words, I hear it is random acts of kindness week. Did you all know about this? I am so excited! I love how this year has really been focused on kindness towards others. I found a suggested schedule for some simple RAK's to do this week on the RAK website.

Monday, Feb 11—Smile at 10 strangers.
Tuesday, Feb 12—Buy something for the person in the line behind you.
Wednesday, Feb 13—Reach out to someone you haven't talked to in a while.
Thursday, Feb 14—Bring a treat to a neighbor or your co-workers.
Friday, Feb 15—Donate your time or money to a local charity.
Saturday, Feb 16—Cook a healthy meal.
Sunday, Feb 17—Let someone go in front of you in line.

I plan on doing these things. However, I want to extend this a little further. I want to really celebrate hitting 350 followers in a big way. The last time I did a giveaway, I was at 250 followers. I have 100 new followers now. In honor of those 100 new followers, I am going to do 100 RAK's this week. I will be back at the end of the week with a listing of the 100 acts that I did this week. I hope you will take the challenge and do some RAK's this week! You don't have to do 100, just 1 will make a difference. Come back here and leave a comment on this blog post with one act of kindness you did and at the end of the week. I'd love to see what kindness was in the air this week!  

To start it all off, I'd love to do some random acts of kindness for a few of my followers. I'm sure you have seen it around the blogs before. I want to do the Pay It Forward challenge this week. The rules are simple: 
1. Be one of the first THREE bloggers to leave a comment on this post with your e-mail address, which then entitles you to a handmade item from me.
2. If you are one of the first three to make a comment, you are a winner! And you then agree to post this challenge on your own blog, meaning that you will pay it forward, creating a handmade gift -anything!- for the first THREE bloggers who leave a comment on YOUR post about this giveaway!
3. The gift that you send to your 3 friends can be from any price range and you have 365 days to make/ship your item. This means you should be willing to maintain your blog at least until you receive your gift and have shipped your gifts. And, remember it’s the spirit and the thought that count!
4. When you receive your gift, blog about it! If you are not one of the first three to comment on this post, you can still play along. Go ahead and start your own Pay It Forward chain, and encourage your blogging friends to do the same! It's all about paying it forward.
I'm very excited to participate in this challenge! I love getting crafty and being able to pay it forward at the same time is fantastic! These are the first 3 acts of kindness to kick off the week! What are you waiting for? Go forward and RAK! In the words of Ellen DeGeneres, let's "kick it in the kindness". =)

1 comment:

  1. I love this & can't wait to participate... it's so much fun to be crafty & especially when you have a purpose like KINDNESS :)

    My email is :)

    First Grade Fairytales
