Friday, April 12, 2013

Five for Friday

It's that time again to link up with Kacey for Five for Friday. 
When it comes to Five for Friday, the week seems to just creep up on me so fast! Here are five random things from my week!

1. Spring has finally sprung! Tuesday was a heat wave! Walking out of the apartment you could just feel the warmth surround you. It reached a whopping 75 degrees! That's quite the contrast as just one week ago the temperature was still in the 30's. I really need to invest in some new sunglasses and flip flops if this weather is around to stay!

2. We learned a little bit about Earth Day this week. Recycling was a big focus as evident by the giant recycling bin! We drew ways that we could help respect the Earth. I just love kid art! Every picture is so unique!

3. This week we worked on living and non-living things. A unit perfect for Spring! We practiced reasoning why things were non-living. 
Next we will grow plants and then it's time for the chicks. How much fun! I can't wait for that!

4. I know it's technically not something from this week but tomorrow I'm volunteering at the Special Olympics for the 3rd year in a row. 
I just love it. Seeing the smiles on the athletes faces is priceless.

5. I'll leave you with a little laugh to end the week. Enjoy! 

Don't forget to enter my 400 follower giveaway! It ends this weekend! You aren't going to want to miss out on these great prizes! 


  1. First of all...way to go on volunteering tomorrow! That's awesome! Second of all...I am jealous of your spring weather. We got more snow today...I think we've had about 8 inches in the last two days. I don't think it got out of the 30's either. :( Enjoy your day tomorrow.
    First Grade Funtastic

  2. I have volunteered at the Special Olympics before too. Such a fun day & great time. That is quite a jump in weather! Yay for sunshine!

    Lucky to Be in First

  3. Have fun at Special Olympics! My brother used to participate in it and it was always so much fun!
    Fun in ECSE

  4. Jealous of your nice weather...we had an ice day on Friday and had no school!
    Diving Into 2nd Grade
