Saturday, June 29, 2013

Currently July?!?

Well technically we still have one more day of June left but let's face it, another month down! I swear the days don't fly by this fast any other time of the year!

I am linking up once again this month with the fabulous Farley from Oh Boy 4th Grade! 

In honor of July, I decided I would fill out the Currently with my PS July font! This font features a stars and stripes theme which perfectly matches the currently slide! 

Listening: The AC seems to be on pretty much all the time now. However I cannot complain! I don't know how you all in Arizona/Vegas are handling 120 degree weather! I'd die!

Loving: I desperately needed a weekend to just relax after the week I had! I couldn't be more thankful for these 2 days off! 

Thinking: My room looks like a tornado blew in. I seriously need to clean up which means getting organized. I need more storage pronto. Or I just need to stop buying things. Well shopping is never gonna happen so it looks like I need some storage solutions like last week! 

Wanting: There are so many shows on this summer! I need more space to record shows! The whole recording 2 shows at once isn't cutting it! Space to record 20 shows at once would be more like it! 

Needing: A vacation! Enough said! 

Tips, tricks or hints: Joining linky parties is the best way to meet new bloggers and get your name out there. Don't be afraid to join any linky parties that are out there! There are plenty during the summertime! I'm sure you will find some that interest you! 

Well I'm off to spend a lazy day relaxing! Happy (almost) July! 


  1. Cute blog! Do you do your own clipart? Vacation sounds like a great idea, I'm with you on that one!

  2. You are so right about how quickly the month is going by! I can't believe it's already July. Give me my summer back! Before we know it August will be here! waahh!

    Creating & Teaching

  3. I'm listening to the AC already, too! Ugh! I love your font. Very cute!

    Heather at TeachItToday

  4. I hear ya on needing a vacation! It's summer, we should be vacationing and soaking up the sun!

    Love your fabulous blog! :)
    Mrs. Johnson's Little Prowlers
