Friday, June 21, 2013

#FiveForFriday {Lazy Edition}

I have had a rough day and honestly have no energy left for a real lengthy Five for Friday. Therefore, this will be a short and sweet post using hashtags a la Michelle Griffo. Enjoy!






Happy Friday! I know I will be savoring every last minute of the weekend! Thanks Kacey!


  1. I saw Monsters University with the kiddos I nanny! It was really cute! :) I posted about it, too!

  2. Sorry you had such a rough day - hope today is better! Love the glitter clothespins. Glitter does make everything better!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  3. Ash, those are neat sparkly clothespins! Is Monsters University a good movie? I haven't seen it yet.

    Sharon Dudley, NBCT
    Teaching with Sight

  4. I'm looking forward to watching Monsters University! Hope it's awesome! :)

    By the way, my class has read all your book fair buys. I absolutely LOVE scholastic too! :)

    Diary of a First Grade Teacher
