Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Currently December? Say what?

It cannot be December 3rd already! I feel like this year has been the fastest year yet! Anyone else with me? I finally decided I had neglected my blog and blog stalking enough! I think I am 3 weeks behind on blog stalking. Can you imagine the holiday freebies I missed out on! I figured I could muster up a Currently post since I am all into that Christmas spirit thing and it gives me inspiration! Pretty soon I will have plenty of time to post and stalk seeing as I won't be full time teaching. (Saddity, sad, sadsville!) I don't know how some of you juggle teaching, being a mom, blogging and TPTing. I used to think I was a multi-tasker but definitely not! You are absolutely amazing and the hardest working people I know! Anyhoo, before I go on an hour rambling rant, here is my Currently! 

Listening: CMA Country Music special is on. Clearly on DVR because there was no way I was catching it on a Monday night! I love Christmas music! It just makes me so incredibly happy!

Loving: The Elf on the Shelf was clearly the best invention ever! I definitely believe I am more obsessed with the elf than the children are! I can't wait to see what he comes up with next! Be sure to follow his adventures on my Instagram! Did I mention my kids named him after their favorite brain break video? Yea, they are that cool! Which leads me to my "thinking"...

Thinking: It is unbelievable how attached you get to your students in such a short time. I think it was about 5 minutes before they stole my heart. This year has definitely been incredibly challenging behavior-wise but oh boy did I fall in love with these kiddos. I can't even bear to think that in just a few short days I will be leaving. I don't want to go! Get ready to cue the waterworks!

Wanting: I am pretty sure the calendar is missing a day. In my fantasy world it would go Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sleeperday. Just adding in that extra day completely devoted to sleep would make my life complete. My brand new Netflix addiction is not helping with the sleeping thing. Thus Sleeperday needs to be established!

Needing: Ink. Need I say more? The amount of ink that you need to keep up with all the amazing things you find on TPT in out of this world! I have been spending $60 left and right! Santa, do you hear me? I need ink! Lots and lots of ink!

Favorite Tradition: Every Christmas eve since I was a child I have opened one present. This present always contains a brand new pair of holiday PJ's that I wear to bed. It is one that I am quite fond of and am greatly looking forward to! 

I am now headed off to bed since it is clearly past my "teacher" bedtime. 

Have a wonderful Hump Day tomorrow! Oh that gives me the best idea! My elf should do a hump day antic tomorrow like in the Geico commercial! Gotta go get that sorted out! My kids are going to love it!



  1. I love your idea of sleeperday! I think that you may be onto something there!

  2. I loved reading your currently, thanks for sharing!!


  3. Happy Holidays! Teaching part time sounds so tempting! Too bad my husband is a teacher too so that won't fly financially!

    Found your blog through Currently! Would love for you to head over and check out my blog…
    If You Give a Teacher a Treat

  4. Stopping by from Farley's link up, I am totally bummed I forgot to DVR the CMA Country Music show, for as much as I saw commercials for it it completely slipped my mind. And I second, or third you for sleeperday it would probably make me a better teacher/person/girlfriend...

  5. I'm a huge country fan...I watched that special too:) It just puts you in a good mood, doesn't it? :)

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