Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday Made It - Totally Transformed

Welcome back to another Monday Made It hosted by the lovely Tara at 4th Grade Frolics!

This week I am kicking off a new series of Monday Made It posts on my blog:
Totally Transformed
Hopefully it will be the solution to end my craft fails! During this series, I am going to take an everyday object and totally transform it into something new. 

For today's transformation I turned to my trusty sidekick: Pinterest. While it might be summer, teacher's never turn off their school brain. After seeing these on Pinterest...

I knew I just had to make some fancy new wall art for the classroom! If you are like me, you fall in love with wall art at places like Hobby Lobby only to discover it costs upwards of $30 for a single canvas. Have no fear, I am here to show you a much cheaper way to get top notch wall art! For the final product, each canvas cost under $1.50 to make after using coupons. 

Let's take a look at the break down:

Feel free to pin any of my Monday Made It creations on Pinterest that you might like to tackle in the future! We all know it is where most of my crafting ideas come from!

The process to turn these canvas bags into wall art takes just a few simple steps. If you are a teacher hoarder and Target fanatic like myself, odds are you will have all these things at your disposal.

To make six of these bags it took less than an hour. My favorite part, there was no wait time for things to dry like with other crafting projects. It was as easy as cut, tack, hang. The even have the strap already attached so they can easily be hung on the wall. Here are the final products in all their glory...

As you can see, I had a newer (2014) and older (2013) version of each bag. I know I have the original (2012) bags from the Pinterest page if I dig through my closet hard enough. I have been diligently collecting these bags at Target. I always buy at least 2 of each bag when I go to the Dollar Spot because I never know when I might need more than one and they are always sold out. Good thing I bought duplicates because now I have beautiful wall art and bags to use in the classroom. I cannot wait until the new set of bags come out so I can continue to add to my collection!

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial! Thanks to Fancy Frugal Life for the inspiration for this project! See you next week when I tackle another Totally Transformed project!


  1. Super cute! I am always in awe of what inspires did a beautiful job!

  2. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Love, Love, Love!!! I cannot tell you how many times I looked at those bags at Target and thought "I want this, but do NOT need another bag!" Great idea.

    A Rocky Top Teacher

  4. Super idea and total craft success!!!! Yay for you:) Thanks for linking up:)
    4th Grade Frolics

  5. This is a fantastic idea! Super easy way to add some art into the classroom. One question... where did you find the canvas? I have looked at stores in my area and they are at least $5-10 each! Super cute idea!

    Funky in Fourth

  6. Adorable!! I just love these. Such a great idea - thanks for sharing!
    Loose Shoelaces

  7. Those are adorable! I've never seen those bags in my Target. I'm going to keep looking, though! Probably scooped up quickly by other teachers in the area. Happy Summer!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. No way! I was going to make these last year, I even purchased the bags from the store and I ended up actually using them as bags. Maybe I will actually make these this summer :) They are adorable! Thanks for the inspiration:)

  10. I have some of those bags in my closet that I never ended up using as I had planned! I LOVE this idea and will have to copy. Thank you SO Much for telling us how to do it, step by step! Love, Love, Love it
    Miss King's Enchanted Kingdom

  11. Love, love, love this crafty idea. I remember seeing the bags last summer. I had no idea what to do with them so I did not buy them. Now I know what to do if I see something similar :)
    Thanks girl!
    My Second Sense

  12. These are super cute and I would have never thought to have use the bags in this way.

    Jennifer Smith-Sloane

  13. Neat idea that I never would have thought of. Thanks for sharing
