Friday, September 12, 2014

Kinder Kid Said What? Five for Friday!

I have made it out of the back to school kindergarten abyss alive! Honestly, it has not been anywhere as tiring and stressful as I thought it would be. The only downfall is that there is never enough time in the day and I can never get ahead on anything! This is pretty much the story of my life now!

This week has been full of assessments, assessments, and more assessments! Since that's not nearly as much fun to share in a Five for Friday post, I thought I would share five of my favorite kid quotes of the week. These kids keep me laughing on an hourly basis and make coming to work so much fun!

Khrys of Keepin' It Kool in Kinderland has this fun linky party going on and I couldn't help but link up! When you combine it with Kacey of Doodle Bugs Teaching, this linky themed post is so much fun!

So seriously though, do kinder kids not say the most adorable things? If this was part of your job, you would absolutely love it too! Go link up with Khrys and Kacey and share your happenings this week. I can't wait to read about your hilarious moments soon!


  1. I love the fourth one - too funny! I definitely need to go check out this linky party.

    Paiges of Learning

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! Too funny :) The Taylor Swift one had me rolling. I can just picture them having that conversation haha! Thanks for linking up girly, so happy you joined me. Can't wait to see what they say next!! Hugs!!
