Friday, April 24, 2015

Five for Friday: Vacation Edition

It seems like forever since I have joined a linky party! I'm very excited to be back in action with one of my favorites, Five for Friday hosted by none other than Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching
 I have been very fortunate that this week springtime weather has finally arrived and I was able to spend my days outside enjoying the warm weather because I had spring break. Here are five random events from my vacation week.

This week I confessed my love for ESGI Software. Click the photo to read my full post.
If I had one teaching tool I couldn't live without, this would be the one! If you are a new subscriber, you can get $40 off your yearly subscription with the promo code B4155.

Nothing made me more excited this week than the announcement of the Fuller House spin-off. This show was my entire childhood! I can't wait to see the familiar faces and where they take the show!
Just when you thought Netflix couldn't get any better! 
(Source MTV)
In other TV news, I can't even with Grey's Anatomy this week. If you are a fan, you know exactly what I am feeling! Thank goodness I was on vacation this week because clearly I need to recover from this madness!

Right before we left for vacation we decorated the windows with some stained glass butterflies. We were looking for a little touch of spring for when we returned. I have done these projects each season as inspired by Maria from Kinder Craze. We just love how beautiful they turned out!
Subscription boxes are pretty much all the rage right now. They have boxes for clothes, boxes for pet goodies, boxes for make-up, boxes for healthy foods, it seems there is a box out there for everything and everyone.
(Image Source: NYU Local)
My question is, where can I find a box tailored for teachers? Like a box filled with smelly markers, stamps, stickers, books, and card stock? There are so many teachers out there that this has to be a product in the market! And if not, what are you subscription companies waiting for? If you know of one, please point it out to me! I'd love to subscribe!

Well that's it for my Five for Friday! Stay tuned to see what I am up to next week when I am back in the classroom! Hopefully I can keep up with this blogging trend once school picks up again! We are in the home stretch!


  1. That would be awesome to have a box but I think I would spend too much money on it! Lol! I think that's probably why there isn't one for teachers.

  2. I am so excited about the Full House reboot! I better see an Uncle Jesse and Aunt Becky sighting on the first episode! I love the idea of a monthly box tailored to teachers with smelly markers and tons of post-its! If this doesn't exist I think we need to find a way to make it happen. I hope you have a good weekend.

    Teach Talk Inspire

  3. I am also pumped about Fuller House!!!! Also-Blair Turner has a teacher box I think!

    Mrs. Wheeler's First Grade

    Mrs. Wheeler's TPT
