Saturday, June 15, 2013

Ten Pin Linky + Giveaway Winners

My 500 follower giveaway ends at Midnight! Don't delay! Enter before it's too late! You don't want to miss out these fantastic prizes!

Moving right along....

Ashley from Just Reed is a girl after my own Pinterest loving heart! This might be one of my favorite linky parties ever! It has the most adorable name and linky graphic ever!

See? What did I tell you, adorable! Love the clever play on words! Ashley you rock!

The rules for this linky are so simple! You just link up with your 10 favorite pins that fit the theme. The theme will change each week meaning I get to proclaim my love for Pinterest each and every week! What could be better!

Let's get down to the decor! Here's my top 10 classroom decor faves!

I had a hard time choosing just 10 pins to share! If you want to see the rest, just head over to my Pinterest boards to see more! 

Thanks so much for hosting this fabulous linky party Ashley! Can't wait to see what's in store for next week!  


I never drew winners for my font pack this week, so here are the three lucky winners! Thanks so much for pinning! 

Dora, I just need you e-mail address so I hope you see this post!


  1. I had not realized you could embed the pins right into the blog post - thanks for teaching me a new trick!!

  2. That book tree might be the best Pinterest thing I have ever seen and boy do I love Pinterest so that is saying a lot! :)
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  3. I pinned that picture frame thing too...I am SO doing that this year, especially where I am going to be teaching. it is perfect!

    Tonya’s Treats for Teachers

  4. Thanks for linking up. You pinned the absolute cutest stuff ever! Be sure to link up this week with classroom management pins! :)
