Friday, January 17, 2014

Five for Friday on an actual Friday!

Feel free to alert The New York Times, The President, and The Today Show. I actually managed to post a Five for Friday on an actual Friday, on a work day, keeping my once a week posting dream alive. Is this real life?
Here is my Five for Friday in a fun little graphic that I whipped up! 

1) So... I may have contacted some of my favorite 4th grade bloggers this week seeking tips for teaching the "big kids". I might have been a little bit scared. (They are taller than me you know!) Well I am pleased to say that 4th graders are actually pretty awesome. Kinders are my favorite because they are so cute and loving but 4th graders are just hilarious and have such great personalities. I mean how can you not love teaching kids that say "Dude! You just stole my thunder!" When sharing answers whole group. It's impossible I tell you! They also seemed to really like me because they were begging for me to come back and trying to trade out their other sub next week for me.

2) It is crazy to believe I ordered my textbooks for the last time as an undergrad. Where has the time gone! College truly goes by in the blink of an eye! I have just over 100 days left til graduation. It just got real! Yikes!

3) If I had a tip for any substitute it would be drop everything and run to your nearest laptop or bookstore and get a copy of What Does the Fox Say? Trust me, this book is gold! Any grade level, any group of kids, any type of school. They will do anything you say to be rewarded with this read aloud! Throw in the corresponding Just Dance Brain Break and you are THE coolest sub ever!

4) School vacation should revolve around the lunar calendar. Clearly teaching during a full moon is a lost cause. Our kids were C.R.A.Z.Y. this week. Were yours? Add in my substitute teaching factor and it was a double whammy. I felt so victorious when I made it out alive!

5) Three whole glorious days off! Never has a three day weekend made me so happy! It's the little things people! I have no plans this weekend but to sleep in, watch Netflix, hit up the Target Dollar Spot, stalk Instagram, and each non-school lunches. It is truly a dream! Catch you on the flip side!


  1. Kinders are amazing... but yes, those big kids are a lot of fun too! I remember when I first moved to 5th grade after only being in primary and thought I may die... but I ended up LOVING it!!!! {Now back in K though} Your post made me smile... I will be doing many of the same things as you this weekend and although I am not a sub... I love the What Does the Fox say advice.

    Crayons and Whimsy

  2. The full moon had an effect alright. Wild little people this week. I can never sleep with a full moon either. So, I'm exhausted and looking forward to some naps this weekend. Fun post!
