Sunday, January 12, 2014

Five for Friday {Sub Edition}

Clearly New Year's resolutions are not going very well for me. I vowed to post once a week - no exceptions - and looked here I skipped last week entirely. I went with what would be a quick and easy post since I have to get up bright and early to sub tomorrow. The Five for Friday linky is always a good one for me and clearly I am past fashionably late and just tardy for the party. Thanks for hosting and keeping the linky live for all us late bloggers Kacey

I subbed every single day last week and learned quite a few things along the way. Here are 5 things I have learned about subbing in a week's time.

If you have any subbing tips or tricks I would love to hear them! Hopefully I will catch on to this blogging thing with a consistent schedule and be back later this week with a post to make up for lost time! Have a wonderful work week! Friday is just a handful of days away! 


  1. Looks like you are doing pretty well with this blogging thing. I, on the other hand, haven't even looked at mine since beginning my new adventure in kindergarten, for the first time in my 11 years of teaching. I do have a supply tip for you though...his name is "Silent Sam" (no, not the vodka) and he went everywhere with me. Silent Sam was a "stuffy" puppy who loved to sit with quiet friends, he also liked to meet as many friends as possible so he loved when the quiet friend he sat with would pass him along to another quiet friend. I used him from K-4 and he was loved in all grades. Past students still remember him! He was so popular he got his own collar and nametag too! P.S. Love the "What does the fox say? idea" - I am going to use that in my class...during the next full moon or days filled with indoor recess! :)

  2. I had to laugh at your opening paragraph because I too made the resolution to blog twice a week… yet I think I have only done it three times in 2014! I am giving myself the excuse that we've only been in school 8 days because of weather :)
    I with you could sub in our county, sounds like you are great!
    Enjoy the days!
    Three Cheers for First Grade!
