Thursday, July 24, 2014

Kindergarten Here I Come!

I have been anxiously awaiting the day when I could write this blog post since starting my blog nearly 2 years ago. That special day is finally here! I received my official job letter in the mail and I am so very happy to say that I will be a kindergarten teacher this fall!

Never would I have ever imagined that as a college graduate, in one of the worst economic times, that I would have a public school teaching job and even more, actually have to turn down other job offers! There is nothing more I can say than I am truly blessed! I know that teaching is where I am meant to be and I am so happy to be able to fulfill that childhood dream of mine!

I have so much to do to get prepared in so little time! (Hence the reason I have been quite M.I.A. on my blog lately.) I have been making a long list of all the things I have to prep and I have no idea when I will be able to see what my classroom looks like. 

Leave me a comment below with something I must include in my preparation checklist so I don't leave anything out! Also, if you are a kindergarten teacher, leave me a comment with a link to your blog so I can get inspired!

Now I am off to continue my trend of stalking Pinterest and buying from TpT like a mad woman!


  1. Congratulations on your new position! I would create a plan on how you are going to keep the lines of communication open with parents. Are you going to do a newsletter, use Remind, Twitter, or other communication techniques?


  2. Congratulations! You will do great!


  3. Congratulations on your new job!! I LOVE kindergarten and can't imagine being anywhere else!! One of the best things in my room is the behavior management system, and that every one of my kinders knows exactly what is expected of them. It helps the classroom run a lot smoother!! Oh, and you can never have enough chocolate stashed away in your desk, either!! I hope you come over to my blog and enter my giveaway for a beginning of the year alphabet bundle!! Good luck with your year, and if I can ever help in any way I would LOVE TO!! :-)

    Warmest Wishes,

  4. So very excited for you. Congratulations on your new job! I just love Kinder and can't see myself teaching anything else. Although, years ago I used to teach 7th/8th grade ELA. I know, I couldn't pay me enough to go back there again. My tip is the more organized you are the smoother it will go. Also, always have extra activities on hand. Sometimes you plan 15 min and it takes 30, but there are also times when you plan for it to take 20 min and in 10 you're done. I have a fairly new Kinder blog and would love for you to stop by. Anyway I can be of help just let me know. Welcome to K!

    Luv My Kinders

  5. I am entering my 13th year of Kinder so welcome to the Klub! Structure to the day and classroom management are key. Also remember the importance of play and building social's at least 50% of what we teach our littles. I don't have a blog but I'm excited to hear about your journey!

  6. Congratulations! I teach K and love it. Lakeshore is having some good sales right now; you might want to check them out if you need materials. Solid routines and visuals at the beginning of the year. Good luck!

    A Very Curious Class

  7. Congratulations!! I'm also a kindergarten teacher- in my 7th year (although I don't have a blog). You will love teaching 5/6 year olds... they are just so much fun! I look forward to following your adventures teaching kindergarten this coming school year. Good luck :)

  8. I barely post on my blog but would be happy to answer any questions via email. My mentor teacher told me "once you go kinder you never leave" it is so true! I left for a year and couldn't wait to get back! Feel free to email me Allyce @ me. Com

  9. Congratulations! You will be wonderful. My advice? Books, books, and more books! Hit up garage sales, thrift stores, Half Price Books, and Scholastic to stock your library. A high-quality read aloud is your greatest resource! Don't stress too much about being "perfect" and "polished" your first year. What you teach and how you teach is more important than what your room looks like, I promise! Just finished my first year last year, so let me know if you have any questions :)

    Cute in the Classroom
