Friday, August 1, 2014

Currently: Five for August

It pains my teacher heart to say that August has finally arrived.

My entire life I have always had two full months of summer vacation: July and August. We have always started after Labor Day. However, this year, my vacation didn't start until the end of the last week of June and I go back in less than two weeks. As excited as I am to meet my first set of my own kinder babies, just a little bit more vacation (to prep of course) would be lovely!

As much as I like to play the what day is it card...

My blogging buddies here like to keep me informed. Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching always reminds me when another Friday rolls around, and Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade always gets me on the first of the month. Since these linky parties are my favorite thing, I will suck up my summer sadness and share all my back to school excitement with the Five for Friday and Currently parties combined.

In case you missed the memo, I got a job teaching kindergarten! I could not be more excited! As all kinder teachers know, those babies steal your heart in a second!
My little 8 year old cousin is a teacher in the making. When she found out I had a job she could not wait to send me a list of things I need to do to prep. The "beafwear" and "elebetic" charts are my favorites.
This online teaching community has truly changed my life! When I posted this picture on Instagram asking for help, Rebecca Seeley replied in literally seconds and got right to work creating the most adorable labels that were even better than I could have dreamed of. If you need a TpT store to find some deals for the back to school sale, hit up her store by clicking HERE. You won't be sorry!
Speaking of the sale...did I mention that as a first year teacher, I might have a slight addiction to bundles? Once I checked into TpT bundles anonymous, I was able to cut my list in half from over $400 to the $200 range. Where did all the extra bundles go? Onto my wishlist and then some. When does the next TpT sale come around because I will be stocking up big time!

It is crazy to think that I will have been blogging for two years this month! So many things have happened in such a short period of time and I cannot wait to reflect on my journey when the time nears! But for now, I am off to find more items for the TpT sale and hopefully check some things off my to-do list. Lets hope I win some of those TpT gift certificate giveaways because this first year teacher is broke!


  1. The sale is surely coming, Aug. 4th and 5th, never fear! My cart is overloaded as well, and I must remember to leave feedback on my previous purchases to get credit toward my new ones!

    I spent my first three years of my now 23 teaching Kindergarten, and I must say that it is a very special place! They will say and do things that will make you laugh and fill your head and heart with joy! Best wishes on your journey!
    Stories and Songs in Second

  2. Good luck with your new job!
    I'm a BB fan, too! Who do you think will win? I'm kind of a Frankie fan! Although, I would be happy if Donny won.

  3. I agree with the shopping spree!!! I am constantly finding things I want on TpT and adding them to my wish list! My list is like a mile long! Thanks for sharing!

    Teaching Tidbits and More with Jamie

  4. I am glad to hear I am not the only one with a TPT wishlist that is a little out of control. I agree with you on the gift certificate. Wouldn't that be nice for new teachers...heck that would be nice for seasoned teachers too! Enjoy the last little bit of your summer.

    Luv My Kinders

  5. Good luck in our new job - very exciting! I need to go and move things from my wishlist into my cart for the big sale now!
    Growing Little Learners
