Monday, July 29, 2013

C is for... {Giveaway Day 3}

Background and frames by Lovin-Lit
Alphabet Blocks by Sonya Dehart
Day 1 and Day 2 were quite fun, but day 3 is even better! There are 2 giveaway packs today: 1 for teaching resources, and 1 for clip art so you can get creative!

First up, teaching resources!

Enter on the rafflecopter below. Doesn't everyone love a winner's choice?

Finally, some good old clip art!

If you win this pack there is so much inspiration for fabulous creations! Someone is going to be one very lucky winner!

Be back tomorrow for some bigger and better prizes to win! Trust me, tomorrow is a day you won't want to miss!


  1. If I try to sew it is a craft FAIL!!! I leave all the sewing now to my wonderful mom!!

  2. Everything I touch is a craft fail!!! you are certainly NOT alone

    Mindful Rambles

  3. BAHA what HAVEN'T I failed?! Ummm.. let's see... when I tried to make the glitter clothespins again, it was just clothespins with glitter on ME... not the pins. That was a joyous experience!

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  4. Gee, I really want to try to be crafty; however, sometimes things don't always work out for me either. let's just say it seems when I spend the longest time on something, it doesn't work for me normally. I cannot pick just one!

  5. I like to scrapbook - I consider that a craft.

  6. I tried to make skeletons out of q-tips with my kindergarten class when I student taught. Didn't work. The kids couldn't get the q-tips to stay put or anything. Cute idea but an overall crafty fail!

  7. Thank you so much for these awesome giveaways, Ash! I hope all is well,

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  8. Modge Podge is my ultimate enemy. I tried to make a pretty clipboard with scrapbook paper...nope. I could not do it :(
    My Second Sense

  9. Recently - modge podge and clipboards!!! I did finally get it but it took ruining several clipboards in the process :)


  10. I had to make paper mache dolls for a class I was presenting to other teachers...and I had to recruit my husband's help. We started with a tp roll with a sphere on top for the head, but scrapped the idea quickly after deciding the sight of them on my counter was too 'suggestive' for teachers!

  11. Ha! I've had LOTS of craft fails but I'd have to say trying to sew anything is my ultimate fail (like trying to hem a pair of pants - yikes)!

    A is for Apple B is for Blog

  12. So many to choose from, but have to say trying to hand paint a chair. Worst idea ever.

  13. I might have a craft fail if I actually ever got to it :(

  14. Every craft I try is a fail. I don't know if you would consider this a "craft" but last summer I tried to make those scratch off cards for classroom incentives. I bought the paint and the soap and the brushes and the contact paper. I made really cute scratch cards and printed them on cardstock. Cut them out, put on the contact paper, and then mixed up the paint / soap mixture. I painted them VERY carefully as per all the instructions I had read. Left them to dry. NEVER. DRIED. EVER. Not one of them dried. I tried AGAIN! Nope! I changed the ration of paint to soap. NOPE. Changed the brand of paint. NOPE. Changed the brand of soap. NOPE. WORST. FAIL. EVER. If anyone here can tell me what the heck went wrong I would love to hear about it!

  15. I don't craft. All my crafting attempts are usually fails so I just don't do it!

  16. Gorilla glue is my nemesis, everything just sticks to my fingers or work table.

  17. I'm not one to do much crafting because they usually fail! One Christmas craft that was a failure was the snowman made with Elmer's glue.

  18. Craft fail = my modpodged clipboards. I don't know how everyone and I mean EVERYONE'S looks so good but I followed the tutorials and mine are all bubbling on the sides and just not that attractive. Major fail.

  19. My biggest craft fail was a ribbon thing I tried to make from Pinterest. I glued pieces of wood to ribbon, but the ribbon wasn't strong enough. The whole thing fell apart.

  20. The first time I spray painted was a disaster! I am much better now! Thank goodness!

  21. I'm pretty crafty, but my things never quite turn out as cute as other people's. I think it was my step-son's baseball birthday cake. I thought a baseball cake couldn't be hard - right? White cake, white icing and red pipped icing. Well, I guess I didn't let the cake cool down b/c it turned into one big glob of pink icing!!! UGH. I ended up just getting white cupcakes with baseball rings in them from Wally's. The next year I made a rocking football cake. I learned my lesson!

    This Little Piggy Reads

  22. Thank you for the wonderful giveaways! I love what you have done:)

  23. I tried to have my kids make snowman fingerprint ornaments and half of them looked blurry or broke before they made it home to parents! Note to self: 1st graders need a present that will last the years:)

  24. When I try to sew anything, I am definitely not a sewer.

  25. We make a torn paper apple as a fall craft.

  26. I am not a crafter at I don't want to embarrass myself by telling any of my failures. lol

  27. I believe i have craft failed at sewing the t-shirt quilts I wanted to make my own personal kids. they are still sitting there unfinished! any quilters out there with good advice would be greatly appreciated..

  28. I am not a crafter at all. . . so pretty much everything is a craft fail!

  29. my biggest craft fail... hmmm... anything that requires cutting or drawing a straight line!! I for some reason cannot see a straight line so to even attempt is a fail, yes even using a ruler!!

  30. My biggest craft fail was trying to create my own tissue poms out of coffee filters. Lots of glue and wads of coffee filters everywhere. No tissue poms in sight! Gave in and bought them at Party City! :)

  31. I can fail at just about any craft I try to do. I just asked my husband of 39 years if he could remember any craft I had ever tried to do. He gave me the strangest look. As I said---I just can't do it. Sorry

  32. Crafting fail... Wow.. I've had so many that I've given up crafting for the most part...I don't know if this counts, but I covered my bulletin boards in fabric this year and I must have mis-measured so one of my bulletin boards has piecmeal fabric covering it at the bottom and another is too short, so I'm probably going to have to do a double border...yikes
