Monday, August 19, 2013

X is for... {Giveaway Day 24}

Background and frames by Lovin-Lit
Alphabet Blocks by Sonya Dehart
Here are the links to the previous days to catch up if you missed any! Trust me, you are going to want to go back and catch up if you missed any! There are HUGE prizes up for grabs!
Would you believe that there were zero bloggers that I could find that started with the letter X? Go figure! I would not let that stand in my way of having a bloggy birthday alphapalooza however! What might be up for grabs today than you might ask? Only the best pencil sharpener ever obviously! 

**NOTE: Winner must have US mailing address**

Troy from Classroom Friendly Supplies came through with this X-tra special gift! Thanks so much for making this possible Troy! If you want your own, click HERE to purchase one online!


  1. I have never had a child break a bone at school! Thank goodness!

  2. I have never had a child break a bone.

  3. No I haven't but others in my building have.

  4. No I never had one! I'd be nervous if I happen to have one!

  5. I've never had a broken bone.! YEA!

  6. Two years ago, one of my sweet little girls was in after school day care that is offered at our school and she fell off the monkey bars. She broke her right arm and ended up in a was a week before state testing and she was right-handed. I felt so sorry for her because she had to wear the cast all summer :(

  7. I had a child fall off the monkey bars when I worked in a daycare.

  8. I have never had any student break a bone. However, my teammate had a boy who fell at recess, was given an ice pack by one of the ladies out on duty, and came into the room complaining that his arm hurt. She thought he was just complaining like he normally did, so had him "rest it" and then let him get another ice pack. After that he stopped complaining. The next day though, his mom sent an angry email saying he'd broken his arm and no one had done anything. Everyone was surprised because he hadn't cried or done said anything more than his normal "my ____ hurts." So glad it wasn't me! :)

  9. Hi Ash - Did I miss Day W? :)
    Whimsy Workshop

  10. I'm lucky enough to never have had a child break a bone! So far, so good!

  11. Thankfully no broken bones in my class!!!

  12. No one has broken a bone in my class, thank goodness!

  13. I have not but my son broke his leg 2 years ago just by tripping over it.

  14. Thankfully, I have never had a student break any bones at school.

  15. I have never had a child break a bone in my classroom, however, I broke my finger in PE class in 8th grade.
