Friday, August 9, 2013

N is for... {Giveaway Day 14}

Another week of Summer gone. Sad news for people like me trying to savor every last drop of vacation. However, if you are already back in school, you made it through the week! And that deserves a celebration!

I missed the return of the Five for Friday linky last week, but this week I am not missing out on all the fun! Thanks for hosting once again Kacey! It is good to keep me accountable! I just love the new button! The rainbow colors are so fun!

I am hosting a linky party for others to reflect upon their student teaching as well as provide advice for a student teacher. I have such an invaluable resource of veteran teachers that I can learn from so why not take every advantage of becoming the best student teacher that I can be! I hope you consider linking up with me! Everyone gets a special thank you gift for linking up! Click the picture below to learn more!

I have been busy prepping to go back to school. Last summer I was all about the Teacher Toolbox. This summer, I have been all about the Copy, File, Grade drawers! I decided to create my own set of drawers modeled after my blog design. I loved the colors and patterns of my blog design so I used the same papers to create the labels. I love how they turned out and I can't wait to use them next month!
I didn't manage to snag a picture during cleaning and I didn't want to empty my entire closet to get back to the bin so you will just have to take my word. I am embarrassed to admit, but I own enough Scentos products to fill a 50 quart storage bin. Markers, daubers, glue, crayons, highlighters, glitter glue, stickers and more! You name it, I have it for every season! I have a serious problem! I might be classified as a Scentos Hoarder.

I have been doing a lot of reading this summer. I just finished The Daily Five and I was so inspired! If you haven't read it yet, you must! I finished it in one day!

 I would love to see it in action in the classroom! My favorite part of the book was having a child who would struggle with following the rules model the wrong way for the class so he or she gets the audience but then proves that he or she can follow the rules. I can definitely see that having such a positive impact in the classroom! The Sisters are genius I tell you!

Of course I will be closing with my Bloggy Birthday Alphapalooza! We have surpassed the half way mark! It has been a lot of hard work in setting up the giveaway, but seeing how happy the winners are makes it all worth it! The blogging community has been so generous and I could not have done it without them! I thank you all so much!

Keep reading to win some amazing prizes!

Background and frames by Lovin-Lit
Alphabet Blocks by Sonya Dehart
Yesterday's winner was...

Congrats Cathy! I will be contacting you all with your prize information shortly! Expect an e-mail from me soon!

Don't you want to be a lucky winner too? Be sure to enter each day, as many entries as you are allowed! Just one isn't enough! You want all the odds stacked in your favor! Here are the links to the previous days to catch up if you missed any! Trust me, you are going to want to go back and catch up if you missed any! There are HUGE prizes up for grabs!
Today's giveaway is back on scheduled time! Enjoy!

Enter on the Rafflecopter to win these fantastic prizes!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Come back tomorrow when more prizes are up for grabs!


  1. I send home a weekly newsletter. It includes all of the activities we did for the week. And it's mostly pictures (that are labeled) so the kids can read it to their parents. I call it their 'weekend homework.' This also helps the parents to ask more specific questions rather than just, 'What did you do at school today?'

  2. Thanks for the suggestion on The Daily Five book! ~Deb
    Crafting Connections

  3. I send home a weekly newsletter with upcoming events, what we have done in school (books, songs, and activities), things to practice at home and this year I want to try to add a picture piece to it. I am trying to take pics of the kids in the classroom and share them with the parents.

  4. I send home a monthly newsletter/calendar. I include what we will be learning about for the month, important dates, and school news.

  5. Last year I sent home a weekly newsletter with things we were working on, important dates, and general info. This year I may make it a monthly thing because I am teaching a combined class and I know I will be SUPER busy!!

  6. I am starting a Daily 5 book study with my PLC this year! Cant wait!

  7. Your drawers look great! Hope you have been having fun with your giveaways!

    Sarah @ Hoots N Hollers

  8. As the special educator part of a team in first grade my partner sent home weekly newsletters for the class. I had home/school journals that I wrote in daily for "my" students w/ IEPs.

  9. I send home a newsletter every Thursday or Friday.

  10. I send a biweekly newsletter. I include what we did the prior week and any important announcements.
    My Second Sense

  11. I send home a weekly newsletter. It includes class news, important dates, spelling words, and info about subjects.

  12. When I finished the Daily 5 book, I wondered what took me so long to find it. I had it on my shelf for a good year before reading it. What a mistake! It is a HUGE treasure!! Changed the way I teach reading.

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  13. Team Newsletter, once a month, highlighting what is being studied in each subject area, important date and reminders.

  14. I do a weekly newsletter with everything we are studying for the week. I sometimes put in tips for parents, depending on space. I generally go for two pages, but on a short week it will be one.

  15. I send home a Monday Note. I try and include any announcements for the week, the spelling words, vocabulary words, and math facts for the week. I also have a list of the helpers for the week.
    Karen Rowland
    Adventures With Firsties

  16. The third grade team rotates making a weekly newsletter for parents. We send it home on Thursdays about what is taking place the following week, spelling lists, and all of the I can statements for each subject.

  17. This is my first year. I will be doing a monthly newsletter.
