Monday, December 30, 2013

Linky Party x3

Today is all about the linky party! 3 of them to be exact. Since I am not in the classroom currently, linky parties are the only thing keeping me blogging on the regular basis. 

First, I am linking up with Brandi from A Peach for the Teach for a New Year's Resolution party. Here are the resolutions I have for the new year. 

In 2013 I was definitely guilty of comparing myself to others. I wanted to make sure I was living up to everyone's expectations and as a result, I had a lot of extra unnecessary stress in my life. In 2914 I vow to be the best version of me that I can be and not worry about everyone around me. 

This summer I will hopefully land some teaching interviews. In order to prepare for these I want to make sure I am doing my homework by reading up on the practices in education. Any book suggestions? Let me know in the comments below!

I plan on subbing a lot this semester so that I can see other teaching styles and get ideas for the future. Kayla from Meet Miss Parker shared the fabulous idea of keeping a subbing journal of ideas you loved and I can't wait to implement this soon!

This is straight forward. I want to post at least once a week every week all year. No excuses this time around! I will make it happen! 

I want to travel! I think I say this every year and yet I never go anywhere. 2014, making that change! I will explore new places this year! 


Next up we have the fabulous Instagram linky party. Instagram is my new favorite social media. It is so easy to use. Use a fun editing app, post a picture, throw in some hashtags and you're good to go! Way easier than blog posting and I may have used Instagram as my crutch this year. 

Elizabeth from Kickin' it in Kindergarten has this fun linky to share your 3 favorite pictures from Instagram on your blog. If you want to find me my username is @thepolishedteacher

1. This was one of my favorite moments. I turned the page in my book and there was a pressed 4 leaf clover waiting for me. I definitely think it brought me some good luck this year! I love sharing these little moments in time with my followers. 

2. I had so much fun participating in Monday made it this year. A lot of posts on Instagram were craft related. These were probably my favorite craft of the year. I made some of those drawer labels to match my blog and loved how they turned out! 

3. In September I posted 5 of the things I learned about kindergarten thus far. It was so great tore fleet about. Y experience so far and clearly they were true because so many teachers could relate! I need to do another post student teaching list because I have learned quite a few more things about teaching kindergarten! 


Finally, I am linking up with Jennifer from Simply Kinder for a Teaching Blog linky party. There are no real requirements except to add this picture to a new or existing post and link it to her blog post. It is simply a way to connect with other bloggers and make some new friends along the way. This blogging community is the best thing that has happened to me and I love making new friends along the way! Won't you link up too? 

See you in 2014!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

{FREEBIE} Inching My Way Into The New Year

265 Days


8 months and 20 days

(If you prefer to think that way).

That would be the insanely long amount of time that I have neglected to share an academic freebie with you all. Shame on me!

It is a wonder that I made it onto the nice list this Christmas because I for sure would have put myself on the naughty list.

Well this freebie dry spell is not going to last in 2014, I will make sure of that! I am kicking off 2014 a step ahead of time. Today I am offering a new year's resolution freebie that hopefully you can use when you get back from break.
(Click either image to download)

Feel free to pin this freebie!

This is a freebie used for children to write a resolution and then three steps (inch by inch) they will take to make that resolution a reality. I tried to really carry through that caterpillar theme! Thanks for the adorable clip art Krista!

It was great to be able to express myself creatively again. I have thoroughly missed that outlet! I may have downloaded hundreds of new clip art files today that inspired other ideas for freebies. I can't wait to share more with you all! 

2014 will be my year of giving back to all my fabulous followers. I have big plans to make more resources to share. Most importantly, shared more frequently! Everything I create will be free so if you are not following my blog you are going to miss out!

Hope you are all enjoying your vacation!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Twice the Fun {Christmas Linky Parties}

I figure if anything can get me in the blogging spirit again it's a good linky party! Combine that with a Christmas  theme and you had me at hello! Well, I figured go big or go home! I am doing 2 linky parties (because I know the odds are stacked against me that I will post again before Christmas). Today I am linking up with the ever fabulous Hope at 2nd Grade Shenanigans and Michelle at Fabulous in First. I hope you will head over and link up too! 

First up, the holiday wishlist with Hope!

This camera was on my Black Friday shopping list but at the last moment I chickened out. The camera intimidated me. I don't let a classroom of 20 wild kinders intimidate me, yet I let a camera. Go figure! After reading this post from Maria, I am seriously kicking myself! I need this camera in my life!

The Cameo is probably the single most amazing new piece of technology for a teacher. It can assist in creating custom desk art, personalized clipboards, or just about anything you can dream up! The possibilities for crafty creations are endless! I already have a million and one uses for it! If Santa could drop this under my tree I would be one happy teacher!

In my opinion, you can never go wrong with a gift card! Just like in the classroom, give people choice and they will love it! Now with gift card malls and e-gift cards, spreading joy has never been easier! Combine the simple gift card with an adorable tag you can find on Pinterest and you have a winner! 

I am a sucker for Christmas candy! I have a serious sweet tooth and those fun holiday candy labels get me every time! Opening a stocking and finding a treat inside always makes me smile. There is something for everyone! My favorite is Wonka candy! Such a kid at heart!


Next, the Christmas questionnaire from Michelle!

Hot Chocolate or Eggnog? 
Hot chocolate! Never had Eggnog and won't touch it with a ten foot pole! Peppermint hot chocolate with fluff on top is where it's at. I have heard this is a New England thing. However, if you haven't had it, you aren't living! 

Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them underneath the tree?
Santa wraps presents in Santa themed wrapping paper unless it is a very large and abnormally shaped object that doesn't led itself to wrapping paper and then it just gets a big bow. 

Colored lights or white? 
White lights are my favorite. I love the classic, polished look that makes me think of a winter wonderland.

When do you decorate?
If I had my way it would be much earlier than it is in reality. We decorate the house minus the tree right after Thanksgiving. The tree usually doesn't come until closer to Christmas. We still don't have a tree yet and it is killing me! However, we do keep the tree up until weeks after Christmas so I guess it all evens out.

Real or Fake Tree?
Real tree all the way. We head to a Christmas tree farm and cut one down ourselves. It just doesn't feel like Christmas unless there is a real tree. My mom and I are both allergic but we suffer through in the spirit of Christmas. 

What Tops Your Tree?
A very old angel holding a candle has topped the tree ever year. She is falling apart but we can't bear to part with her.

Favorite Christmas Memories or Traditions?
Every Christmas Eve we get a pair of Christmas pajamas that we wear to bed and then wear to open presents on Christmas morning. It is one of my favorite traditions to date! I have quite the pajama collection which is perfect for pajama day at school!

Do you remember your favorite gift as a child?
I got a Minnie Mouse bike for Christmas and I was obsessed with it! I remember riding the bike around the kitchen table since it was too snowy to ride it outside. Pretty sure my parents regretted buying me that thing!

Do prefer giving or receiving?
Giving is my favorite part of the holidays! Although I am terrible and keeping secrets and usually end up spilling the beans in excitement before they even receive their present!

What is your favorite Christmas song?
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen by the Rascal Flatts. Their version is just so beautiful. I cannot get enough of Christmas music! We have been listening to Christmas music all day long during school and it just makes me so incredibly happy!

Candy Canes. Yuck or Yum? 
Yum, yum, yum! I love candy canes! The peppermint ones that are tiny and come in individual plastic pouches like Santa used to give away are still my favorites. I will eat those all day long!

Favorite Christmas Movie?
Undeniably Elf. The best Christmas movie of all time. Cannot stop laughing the entire way through! Best movie to quote ever!

Do you shop online or at stores?
At stores all the way. I really have to go see the object in person before I buy it. Plus I don't like waiting for a package to ship. Ain't nobody got time for that during the holiday season!

Photo Cards, Letter or Store Bought Card?
I love photo cards! There are so many creative ones now that it is so rare you would ever get two that are alike. I love seeing the changes year after year. The collection is already starting to grow on the mantle! 

Thanks so much for hosting ladies! They were so much fun and got me even more in the Christmas spirit! 2 weeks from today is the best day of the year! Merry Christmas! 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Currently December? Say what?

It cannot be December 3rd already! I feel like this year has been the fastest year yet! Anyone else with me? I finally decided I had neglected my blog and blog stalking enough! I think I am 3 weeks behind on blog stalking. Can you imagine the holiday freebies I missed out on! I figured I could muster up a Currently post since I am all into that Christmas spirit thing and it gives me inspiration! Pretty soon I will have plenty of time to post and stalk seeing as I won't be full time teaching. (Saddity, sad, sadsville!) I don't know how some of you juggle teaching, being a mom, blogging and TPTing. I used to think I was a multi-tasker but definitely not! You are absolutely amazing and the hardest working people I know! Anyhoo, before I go on an hour rambling rant, here is my Currently! 

Listening: CMA Country Music special is on. Clearly on DVR because there was no way I was catching it on a Monday night! I love Christmas music! It just makes me so incredibly happy!

Loving: The Elf on the Shelf was clearly the best invention ever! I definitely believe I am more obsessed with the elf than the children are! I can't wait to see what he comes up with next! Be sure to follow his adventures on my Instagram! Did I mention my kids named him after their favorite brain break video? Yea, they are that cool! Which leads me to my "thinking"...

Thinking: It is unbelievable how attached you get to your students in such a short time. I think it was about 5 minutes before they stole my heart. This year has definitely been incredibly challenging behavior-wise but oh boy did I fall in love with these kiddos. I can't even bear to think that in just a few short days I will be leaving. I don't want to go! Get ready to cue the waterworks!

Wanting: I am pretty sure the calendar is missing a day. In my fantasy world it would go Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sleeperday. Just adding in that extra day completely devoted to sleep would make my life complete. My brand new Netflix addiction is not helping with the sleeping thing. Thus Sleeperday needs to be established!

Needing: Ink. Need I say more? The amount of ink that you need to keep up with all the amazing things you find on TPT in out of this world! I have been spending $60 left and right! Santa, do you hear me? I need ink! Lots and lots of ink!

Favorite Tradition: Every Christmas eve since I was a child I have opened one present. This present always contains a brand new pair of holiday PJ's that I wear to bed. It is one that I am quite fond of and am greatly looking forward to! 

I am now headed off to bed since it is clearly past my "teacher" bedtime. 

Have a wonderful Hump Day tomorrow! Oh that gives me the best idea! My elf should do a hump day antic tomorrow like in the Geico commercial! Gotta go get that sorted out! My kids are going to love it!


Monday, October 14, 2013

24 Days...

24 Days...

576 Hours...

525,600 minutes...

Oh. I'm sorry. Wrong length of time, but such a catchy song!

It's been a whopping 24 days since I last blogged. 
Can you believe it? I know I can't!
As a child the 24 days leading up til Christmas seemed like an eternity.
These past 24 days have flown by in the blink of an eye.
However, catching up on my blog stalking has taken an eternity! I don't like to miss out on anything! I mean could you imagine missing out on a fabulous freebie? I read back all the way to my last read post which can include over a week of missed posts at a time! Time consuming? Yes! Worth every minute? Definitely!

Seeing as I have been M.I.A in the blogging world, I have oh so much to catch you up on! I could wait for a Five for Friday to share but...
1. On Friday afternoons I basically come home and fall asleep within minutes of walking in the door.
2. I have way more than 5 things to share with you! 
3. I am a serious procrastinator and blogging is way more fun than lesson planning!

Let's get this show on the road! Here's what I have been up to these past 3 weeks!

I have met a retired teacher who has taken me under her wing. This picture shows an entire trash bag filled with materials and lesson plans that she has donated to me. She is seriously the most generous woman around! It just goes to show how amazing teachers are! 

As you all know, I have a slight major book obsession. This is a foot tall pile of books that I bought during a half off book sale. I couldn't pass up this amazing deal! I headed right over after school and bought the place out! I swear the people at the store see me coming and run! 

Piles and piles of work! Student work, my work, everyone's work! Grading, assessment, never ending stars and smiley faces! I need to really take a weekend and get it all organized! Have any organization tips that really work for you?

Seriously though, do you ever have enough ink? I need a second job just to pay for ink! Teacher's should have a huge discount in the ink department for all that we go through printing those centers! Without printing in color the adorable clip art just isn't the same! Teacher problems! 

We cannot get enough of Schooltube! It finds its way into every aspect of our day from the start of our day til we walk out the door! Some of our favorites are of course Vowel Bat and Let's Get Fit (Counting by 1's to 100!). The boys especially eat it up! The dance moves in K are out of control!

We wrapped up our apple week by making applesauce! It made our room smell fabulous! Are you sure we can't make applesauce every day? It was hysterical to watch the children taste it. Some children were in love and licked every inch of the bowl clean. Others just took one teensy tiny bite and were disgusted. The parents were amazing in helping out the the experience! It was such a fun day all around! 

In the wise words of Mr. Greg, it's a good day in kindergarten if there is a mess! Messy=success. By the looks of this picture, we had a very successful day in kindergarten! I love watching children do art projects. Their creativity and originality really shines through! Can't wait to see what is in store next! 

Pretend pearls and fancy ball gowns are all the rage in kindergarten! I feel so under-dressed! I love seeing what the kids come into school wearing each day. They are mini fashionistas! We have quite a few Fancy Nancy's in our class! I can only imagine what is to come next!

Has the Rainbow Loom craze hit your school? Well it sure has at mine! I may or may not have even jumped on the bandwagon myself! Here is my ever growing collection of bracelets that I have been gifted. I am pretty much in with the cool older elementary kids when I wear these!

10. I have been designing my nails with the theme each week and the kids have been loving it! Here's what I have in store this week!

Now, I am not that talented. However, I think I can muster up some tiny little dots with 8 (not 6 like in the picture) scraggly legs to celebrate!

I have all my nail art tools ready to go! 

If they turn out adorable, stay tuned to see them on instagram! If not (and it's probably going to end up a not) I'm sure you will be hearing about the nail fail! Oooh that sounds like a fun new series to my Monday Made It craft fails! Trust me, I nail fail all the time! At least the kiddos always think you are fabulous regardless of your artistic ability right?

Well, I could go on and on but I figure I should spare you the agony of reading a 600 page novel on a school night! Let's just sum it up in three things: I have never been so tired, I have never been so stressed, but I have never been so incredibly happy in my life! These kiddos are so adorable and funny! I can't wait to get back to school tomorrow and see those precious gap tooth smiles again! 

Have a wonderful week! I promise will try my hardest to write again in under 24 days! Toodles!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Five for Friday - Kid Quote Edition

Was is just me or did this week seem to fly by? Also, whereas last week I was exhausted beyond belief, I am feeling wide awake at 5pm! Talk to me again at 7pm and see how I feel! 

Once again I am linking up with Kacey for her linky Five for Friday.
This week is brought to you by the letter L for laughs. This week has been filled with so so many laughs. I am truly in love with my kinders! They are hilarious! It is hard to keep a straight face around them! There personalities have really started to show through and it is fabulous to get to know them a bit more each day. Here are my five favorite quotes of the week!

Little girl: Welcome to our restaurant. The list says this: eat only healthy food. Don't eat junk food. If you don't eat healthy food you will get f-a-t. What would you like to eat?

Day 1
Me: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Little girl: A cow

Day 2
Me: Do you still want to be a cow when you grow up? 
Little girl: Yup! I want to be a cow!

Day 3
*while playing with toy animals*
Me: What is your favorite animal?
Little girl: A horse.
Me: A horse is your favorite animal but you want to be a cow when you grow up?
Little girl: No, not a cow anymore! I want to be a princess!

Little boy: My favorite show is Family Guy.
Little girl: Ohhh! That's a bad show! You can't watch it!
Little boy: Blame my mom she lets me watch it.

Little girl: Parents are the worstest. 
Other little girl: I love my parents sooooooo much. 
Little girl: Well my dad just called me a crybaby. 
Other little girl: Oh yea that's the worstest.

Little boy: I went to Mexico with my family.
Me: I want to come on vacation with you! You go on the best trips! 
Little boy: You can't come with me! I didn't know you! 

If you have any funny kid quotes from this week I'd love to hear them! Hearing hilarious kid quotes are definitely the highlight of my week! Enjoy your weekend! I know I will!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Five for Friday Obviously on a Saturday

I seriously don't think I will ever post a Five for Friday on a Friday again. It just doesn't happen. By the end of a five day week, I'm lucky if I can even make it in the door without falling asleep.

This is my short and sweet version of Five for Friday because let's face it, I'm too tired to even go get my camera and upload my pictures from the week for this post. I can't even be bothered to post a pic on instagram and that takes a whopping 2.5 seconds! #slackermuch

Enjoy the top 5 things I have learned from teaching kindergarten so far! 

Well that's it, I'm eating lunch and then probably off to take another nap. Friday the 13th was brutal to say the least!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Currently September!

It cannot be September 2nd already. Really, where did the time go? This year seems to be on full speed ahead with no slowing down!

Since I must embrace the fact that it really is September, I will be linking up with Farley to add a little happiness to my day. 

I've heard storms before, but this one takes the cake. It was so incredibly loud! The storm woke me up at 5am on my day to sleep in. I tried to fall back to sleep but it was no use. Oh well. I guess it is for the best. I had more time to link up with Farley that way! 

The weather has changed for the most part around here. It has been nice and cool and I have been fully embracing it with longer sleeves and comfy sweatshirts. I hope the cool weather continues because it can get mighty hot at school!

I know, I know, you all warned me! I saw the some e-cards, I read the blog posts, I saw the instagrams. However, I was naive. I thought maybe I would be so excited I wouldn't notice the tiredness. Wrong. Very, very, wrong. Back to school is beyond exhausting. I wouldn't survive if it wasn't for all the naps. There truly is no bedtime too early anymore in my book!

Following off the previous section, waking up early is not really my thing. Alarm clocks...nope! I could very well do without them! Going from spending the summer sleeping in until nearly noon to waking up at 5am just isn't really going so well. What was I thinking this summer? I should have been waking up early every day so this wouldn't have been a big deal. 

I finally wrote in my planner last night. I caught up on last week and wrote in what was to come this week. I am hoping that I can stick with it this year. I spent the big bucks and I want to get my money's worth. Usually I quit the first week in. Not this time around! It will really help me in the future if I keep with it. Fingers crossed!

Love Yourself Spot
First on the list is all about the children. The one thing I wish I had gotten a chance to do last year is take the time to learn more about the kids I worked with. I know that by truly connecting with each child I will be able to reach and teach better. Doing so will make me and the children so much happier. 

Next, I need to stop worrying about everything. All summer I worried about starting student teaching. I truly had no reason to worry because I know it is going to be a wonderful experience. My cooperating teacher is amazing and I am going to learn so much! Now, I am already worrying about taking over. I need to slow down, stop stressing, and live more in the moment. I will miss all the happy times in the now if I focus on worrying about everything to come. 

Finally, take time for myself. I know student teaching is going to be a busy experience so I want to be sure to take time for myself and not become fully consumed with all things school related. Finding the balance is key. 

Well there's my currently! Good thing Farley posted, or I might not have even had the motivation to blog at all this long weekend. Head on over and link up if you haven't already! In the meantime, is 9am too early to take another nap???

Friday, August 23, 2013

Five for Friday {Say it isn't so edition}

These Five for Friday linky parties are becoming less and less enticing as the weeks have progressed. This is my last Five for Friday post of summer vacation. It's back to school time. Say it isn't so! Next week starts professional development for me. I am nervous yet excited. But truthfully, I could take another 8 weeks of summer. Who's with me? 

I haven't yet discovered the pause vacation button so time unfortunately continues to progress onward. I have no choice but to admit that it is indeed Friday and link up with Kacey once again. 

Here's my last Five for Friday of the summer. There might have been a few imaginary tears shed while writing this post... 

1. The alarm clock and I have never been friends. Never have, never will. I have been trying to get into a routine of waking up early and let's just say we definitely are not in the honeymoon phase. This is currently what I look like when my alarm has gone off this week at 8am. 

We are shooting for 5am by next week people. It is not going to be pretty (and I don't know how it could get any worse by the looks of this photo)!

2. I returned from vacation this week. What I would give to go back! Just look how peaceful!

I even made it a week without internet! Major victory in my book! However, as soon as I was back, it was back to blog stalking. It took me 4 days to catch up on all the posts I missed but it was time well spent. I wouldn't miss out on reading about your daily adventures!

3. I missed the TPT B2S sale! Major sad faces all around! What was I thinking about that vacation? Did I say what I would give to go back? I meant, what I would give to go back and end it early so I could virtually shop til I drop! I planned a vacation during a huge sale and my alphapalooza giveaway. Smart planning right? I guess my wallet can thank me...until I go bankrupt next time they add new products to the Target Dollar Spot and I buy out the entire section. Speaking of which, have you heard of the website All Things Target? 

They have a section specifically all about the Dollar Spot where they post pictures of all the items in the spot for the month? As if I don't get enough ideas from all you bloggers, this website gives me my Target fix and lets me know when I need to hop in the car and race to the nearest Target ASAP. 

4. There are still a couple of days to enter my bloggy birthday alphapalooza! Click on the image below for a chance to win some fabulous prizes from the end of the alphabet! You definitely don't want to miss this!

5. I celebrated one year of blogging this past Wednesday. I shared this photo on Instagram and of course I had to share it with my lovely blog followers too since you are the best!

I can't believe how fast time flies! Hopefully this time next year I will have my own classroom! What a way to celebrate my 2 year blogiversary! *fingers crossed*

Well that's it! Next time you hear from me I will be sharing ideas from in the classroom! Boy oh boy it's really happening! Student teaching here I come!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Z is for... {Giveaway Day 26}

Today is my blog's birthday. I can't believe it has been one whole year since starting this blog! Boy did the time fly! In that time there has been...

 Nearly 70,000 pageviews
Over 200 posts
Over 750 GFC followers
Nearly 900 Bloglovin followers

It amazes me the power of the blogging world! I am 100% confident that I will be a better teacher as a result of joining the blogging community. I can't thank you enough for each positive comment and helpful suggestion. I look forward to another year of growing as a teacher.

I put together this alphapalooza giveaway to celebrate my first year of blogging. I just wanted to thank all my friends that helped out and donated prizes. You are truly the most generous people out there! I hope you all have enjoyed the celebration! It was a whole lot more work than I anticipated but I wouldn't have it any other way. It was the least I could do to thank you all! 

(I am still catching up from what I missed during vacation so all the previous winner's should be notified by the end of the week. Thanks for hanging with me!)

Closing out the show today I have a very special prize pack! Be sure to enter because this is a very unique prize you won't want to miss out on!

Background and frames by Lovin-Lit
Alphabet Blocks by Sonya Dehart
Well today is the last day to catch up! The bloggy birthday alphapalooza giveaways end today. It's been a fabulous run so be sure to enter as many times as you can before time expires!
Today we are going out with a bang! Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Designs is truly amazing! The prize donation went way above and beyond what I had expected! Check out what fabulous goodies are in store for one lucky winner!

Note: Winner must have US shipping address.

Thank you all for sticking with me this year. I look forward to another bigger and better year together!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Y is for... {Giveaway Day 25}

Background and frames by Lovin-Lit
Alphabet Blocks by Sonya Dehart
Here are the links to the previous days to catch up if you missed any! Trust me, you are going to want to go back and catch up if you missed any! There are HUGE prizes up for grabs!
Two lovely ladies have prizes up for grabs today! Enjoy!

Thanks for donating a prize! I really appreciate it! Show how much you appreciate them with a follow!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

See you tomorrow for the conclusion of the bloggy birthday alphapalooza! It's one you won't want to miss!