I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday to share the top 5 highlights of my week!
NOTE: It is still teaching related, just not very "classroom" specific because I had my last week of college and did not substitute teach very much.
Now, let's get on with the show!
Job Search
Now that I am officially done with my undergrad classes, I have begun the daunting task of job searching. When my advisors warned that the job search was a full time job in itself, they were not kidding! Morning, noon, and night I am on that computer searching for anything and everything!
Bargain Book Hunting
I rewarded myself with a little bargain book shopping spree at the thrift store for finishing classes. I got just over a foot of books (hardcover and paperback) for $40. Fantastic Scholastic titles in there too! Quite the steal if you ask me! Nothing makes me happier than some new books!
TPT Sale
Did you shop the TPT sale this week? I know I did! Clearly I cannot stay away from a good sale! Clip art, digital papers, etc were my weakness! Then you throw in all those new bundles that just so happened to debut during the sale and you had me at hello!
Hooked on Phonics App
What would I do without Instagram? My friends posted this fabulous steal on Instagram and I hopped right to downloading! My only problem, the iPad didn't have enough room for all the units of books it contained! The app was such an amazing find! I am so thankful that the people at Hooked on Phonics truly appreciate all our hard work.
In Summer
I cannot contain my excitement for this little thing called "Summer"! Every time I think of the warm sunshiny weather, I get just as excited as Olaf! For all you teachers on the single digit countdown, you are some lucky ducks! We still haven't even made it to the alphabet countdown yet!
Well I am off to savor every single minute of the weekend! Not being abruptly woken up at 5am to substitute calls is going to be an absolute dream!