I have been anxiously awaiting the day when I could write this blog post since starting my blog nearly 2 years ago. That special day is finally here! I received my official job letter in the mail and I am so very happy to say that I will be a kindergarten teacher this fall!
Never would I have ever imagined that as a college graduate, in one of the worst economic times, that I would have a public school teaching job and even more, actually have to turn down other job offers! There is nothing more I can say than I am truly blessed! I know that teaching is where I am meant to be and I am so happy to be able to fulfill that childhood dream of mine!
I have so much to do to get prepared in so little time! (Hence the reason I have been quite M.I.A. on my blog lately.) I have been making a long list of all the things I have to prep and I have no idea when I will be able to see what my classroom looks like.
Leave me a comment below with something I must include in my preparation checklist so I don't leave anything out! Also, if you are a kindergarten teacher, leave me a comment with a link to your blog so I can get inspired!
Now I am off to continue my trend of stalking Pinterest and buying from TpT like a mad woman!