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Saturday, May 2, 2015

Currently May

I haven't linked up with Farley for a Currently in months! Well, it is about time I change that ASAP! Here is what I have been up to this Month.

I have been scouring lists like THIS and THIS to finalize my EOY slideshow music. This is my first ever year making an EOY slideshow and I know it is going to take a lot of effort for the perfectionist in me to be satisfied. If you have any songs that are a must have, please let me know in the comments! 

After discovering that Revenge was going to be cancelled, I decided to find a new ABC drama to watch. I have really been loving Secrets and Lies lately. I'm hoping that this show doesn't get cut too because so many of my shows are coming to an end this year! 

Next week starts my EOY testing period. I want to make sure my littles are prepared to shine like the superstars I know they are! I have so much to get done and so little time! Thank goodness for ESGI! They will be my lifesaver! Click HERE if you want to read my blog post about why I love ESGI and get a promo code for $40 off your subscription!
I just can't get everything done in a 2 day weekend anymore. This EOY madness is really crazy! I had no idea how much administration piles on you and just how fast time flies! Can't every weekend be a 3 day weekend? 

My organization needs to get stepped up a notch. I am a HUGE piler, and as a result, I seem to be misplacing something the moment I set it down. I can't lose any of these important EOY papers so I need to kick it into high gear and make sure there is a place for everything, and everything is in its place! 

While I still have a long ways to go until summer, it is never too early to plan ahead. I know I will be doing some traveling this summer to tour colleges, but I just don't know where just yet. I guess that is part of the fun! I really am hoping to hear about my job for next year! As a first year teacher, you just never know what your fate will be from one year to the next! Here's hoping I find out early on so that I can prep for the year to come over the summer and not just a couple of days before school starts! While I really would LOVE to make it to Vegas this summer, it is not looking like it is in the cards. If only Vegas was closer to the East Coast! I want to attend this fabulous professional development and meet so many blogging friends!

Well, I can't wait to hear what you are up to! So many of you are so close to the end of the year! We just crossed into the 30's for our countdown! The snow this winter was brutal!


  1. Revenge is cancelled?! NOOOOOoooooooo... well actually I kinda saw that coming. Still not happy though!
    All the best with the job hunt/hopefully prep for next year!!

    Learning to be awesome

  2. I do a kindergarten EOY slideshow every year. I use What a Wonderful World, You Are So Beautiful, Time of Your Life (I think the title is actually Good, and Happy.

  3. I love putting together EOY slideshows, but I take way too long b/c I want to include every picture. Good luck with your organizing!

  4. I always loved using Forever Young by Rod Stewart in my EOY slideshows. Hope you get good news about your job early so you can stop worrying!

    Krazy Town

  5. I LOVE Revenge too, and am sad that it is coming to an end! I don't do an EOY slideshow, but I hope that you find some amazing songs to use! I wish you were going to Vegas too, but I understand about it being too far away! If it wasn't Vegas, and was somewhere on the East coast I don't know if I would be able to go!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 

  6. I've been thinking about starting Secrets and looks soooo good! Vegas is on my dream list, too. I'm on the west coast and the close proximity hasn't made it any easier for me to afford! Maybe next year. We can watch all the fun through everyone's blog posts!
    Always Kindergarten


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